.marin moments.

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"How this game will work is that you'll listen to this children's song and then sleep for 30 minutes. Afterwards we'll wake you up and you'll have to recite the song, got it?", The director explained to the group. They were in their pyjamas standing together to learn about the next game.

"You had me at sleep", Marin grinned. She always appreciated the quick breaks in between their schedules for a quick power nap. Hearing that they could sleep for half an hour; she was excited. The group got comfy in their inflatable bean beds and fell asleep in no time.

30 minutes passed and they were all unpleasantly awoken by a blaring horn. Still sleepy, Marin covered her ears and tried muffling out the sound by burying herself under her blanket.

"Wake up! Wake up!", Yoongi exclaimed, leaning down to shake her shoulder. Marin usually wakes up and gets on her feet in no time but that day in particular she was extra dazed.

The other boys were already lining up to give a shot in singing the children's tomato song. Marin was half-awake still, sitting in her bean bed.

"Marinnie~ Come here~", Yoongi cooed from his spot, making the other boys look over and giggle. Rubbing her eyes, Marin rolled out of her bean only to bump into a hard figure.

Opening her heavy eyelids, she recognized Jungkook's back. Standing up with a little stumble, she hung her head down to try get a look at the younger one. He was clearly still asleep.

"Jungkook-ah", Marin spoke groggily. Eyes still closed, Jungkook's eyebrows rose at the mention of his name. "We need to go", Marin continued, weakly gripping his shoulder.

Moments later, Marin and Jungkook were still nowhere to be seen. Namjoon who was wide awake now looked over his shoulder and laughed. It caught the attention of the rest of the boys.

"Cute", he giggled, pointing to the two younger members leaning on each other, sleeping contently. The camera zoomed in on Marin's head on Jungkook's shoulder and Jungkook's cheek resting on top of Marin's head. As much as they wanted to leave them all cuddled up and cute, Jin went over and woke the two up.

 As much as they wanted to leave them all cuddled up and cute, Jin went over and woke the two up

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BTS's 2015 summer vacation was in Sabah, Malaysia. The group were currently taking a dip in the hotel's pool, goofing around.

Marin came down a bit late. She saw the staff members recording the boys who were already in the water, dancing and pushing each other. Greeting one of the staff, Marin placed her things down and took off the T-shirt she was wearing over her swimsuit.

 Greeting one of the staff, Marin placed her things down and took off the T-shirt she was wearing over her swimsuit

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