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Continuation of ".stare." (in case you forgot it's the Taehyung sugar daddy au chapter)

"What's wrong?"

Marin's hooded eyes opened up to stare at Taehyung hovering over her.

"Nothing. What are you talking about?", Marin grunted, grabbing Taehyung's bare hips and tried to pull them towards hers as his tip was aligned to her entrance.

Taehyung's length entered and Marin's eyes rolled back from its size. Her neck arched as she adjusted herself, feeling pleasure up to her head.

"You're just," Taehyung murmured in her ear, hips stationary. "A bit off your game today."

"It was a long day. Now fuck me", Marin lifted her hips to feel some friction in her since Taehyung decided to be a stubborn bitch and not move at all.

His big hands easily took hers and pinned them over her head. Marin was forced to look into his eyes. They held concern. Hers held annoyance.

"Did something happen?", Taehyung's voice was husky but gentle.

"We're all struggling college students, Marin. But I never would have expected you to stoop that low."

Marin groaned. "Are you gonna fuck me or not?", She asked. Taehyung didn't answer straight away, holding this expression she couldn't decipher.

Pushing him off, Marin grabbed the silk white sheets and wrapped it around her naked body. "Fine. Then go find a better slut to fuck since I'm a bit off my game", Marin growled and left the bedroom, not caring that she left Taehyung open and bare on the bed.

Marin stomped out into the living room, staring out at the dark city view from the ceiling length penthouse window. Her arms crossed over her chest to hold up the blanket. She was upset, annoyed, angry, but she was mostly ashamed of herself. Marin always believed that sex was love-making; an intimate connection driven by trust, adoration, love, between two people.

Yet here she was, having mindless sex with a man she's only known for two months because she was cranky.

That night on Seokjin's birthday after he and Jungkook left, they chatted more. One thing came after another, and they were naked next to each other the next morning in his room. As much as she hated to admit it, it was the best sex she's had in months. Taehyung clearly had some admiration towards her, and so she decided to try this sugar daddy thing out.

Getting the notification that 1500 dollars was transferred into her account had her panicking. Marin was fidgety and wary for two weeks straight, no matter how much Jungkook tried to calm her down. Eventually, very slowly, Marin started getting use to Taehyung's driver picking her up and Taehyung spoiling her with things worth thousands. She thought this lifestyle wasn't too bad.

Until earlier that day.

"Hey, Marin! Do you have a sec?"

Marin perked up at her name being called. Three of her classmates walked up to her while everyone else grabbed their things to leave the classroom. She's talked to them before, but they were merely acquaintances.

"Uhm, sure. What's up?", She asked, holding her folder and books to her chest. The girl in the middle looked between her other girl and guy friend and chuckled.

"So what's it like?"

Marin tilted her head, confused. "What?"

"You know what we mean. What's it like having a sugar daddy?", The other shorter girl asked. Marin's heart skipped a beat as she was frozen on the spot.

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