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It all happened too quickly. Like a flash.

Me and some close friends were having dinner at a KBBQ around Hongdae, eating at the top floor of the restaurant as I wanted to keep a low profile. It was all laughs and soju, until I heard yelling, followed by the smell of smoke.

Everyone around us started running to the stairs to evacuate. My friends and I were the last as we sat at the far back corner. Just before I took the last step down the stairs, fire erupted, separating me and my friends. The flames crawled up the dry walls, giving me no choice but to run back upstairs. It blocked the exit of the stairs before I knew it and was starting to dance around dangerously close to me.

Trying to control my panicked breathing, I tried throwing every non-alcoholic beverage (which wasn't a lot) I could find towards the fire, hoping it die down. But it just seemed to grow bigger and bigger. I was surrounded.

The thick black smoke was now shadowing my vision, my breathing getting more and more strangled. I used my coat to cover my mouth. Frantically looking around, I turned to the sliding windows far by the wall. Dodging the raging flames, I reached my arm through the grails and used the energy I had left to open them. It was clear that they haven't been opened in a while with how difficult it was to slide them open.

Smoke now fully took over my vision, and I coughed violently for air. I slowly slid down on to the ground, trying to hold on. But as the flames grew closer my eyelids got heavier and I collapsed.
My whole body felt heavy, as if I went through hours of practice without stretching and breaks. Very slowly, my eyes flutter open, a dark ceiling in my vision. I noticed a light glow in the corner of my eye, and turned slowly. I instantly recognized the hallway outside of the glass door as a hospital.

Squinting at my throbbing head, I sat up and noticed something on my face. I realized that it was an oxygen mask.

Footsteps were heard outside and a nurse turned the corner. Glancing up from her board, she saw my concious figure, and entered my room.

"Ah, you're awake", she smiled warmly, calming me a bit. "How are you feeling? Do you think you can breath without the mask?"

Nodding my head slowly, she helped slip it off. She also helped me level out my breathing.
The nurse left for a second to grab me a glass of water. It was embarrassing how quickly I chugged the soothing liquid the moment she came back.

"How long have I been here?", I asked, my voice still a bit hoarse.

"It's been two days since the fire. It's 5am right now", the nurse informed and I almost choked on my saliva.

"I've been out for 2 days straight?", I asked in disbelief. The nurse nodded.

"Your company told us to call them as soon as you wake up so--"

"Wait! Don't call them now", I cut her off abruptly. "It's still early. Can you call them later, like 9?"
The nurse smiled understandingly and nodded.
Even after being in a coma state for two days, I was still exhausted and decided to take a nap. When I woke up again the nurse from before came back with breakfast.

As I skipped through countless of boring TV channels on the hospital's TV, I heard a knock at the door. A relieved manager and 7 very worried looking members stood by the glass wanting to be let in. Nodding, they slide it open and they come barelling in.

Taehyung fake cries as he wrapped his arms around me, mumbling inaudible words. As he was hogging me, the other members were only able to pat me on the shoulders.

"Marin, how are you feeling?", I heard our manager ask through the rucus of the boys. I smiled, saying I felt better than before. Just then a doctor entered, nodding to our manager.

"Luckily, the firefighters were there in time to get her out of there. Any more oxygen cut out from her brain and the results wouldn't have been nice", the man in the white coat noted. He continued saying they were gonna keep me overnight to make sure I was truly fine and would probably have me out by morning. Everyone sighed in relief.

"Ah, I have to make some calls. You guys can just catch up", our manager said and left the room to answer a call. I finally was able to focus on the boys and noticed something different.

"Are you guys okay? You look like you haven't slept in days", I chuckled trying to keep the light atmosphere. Their eyes looked dark and tired and their hair was either disheveled or covered under a beanie or hat.

"Well it's that or some of us were only able to at 3-4am out of exhaustion", Yoongi shrugged. That had my smile dropping.

"What...why?", I looked at all of them.

"How could we not knowing if you were going to be okay or not? We were worried", Jin said.

"Oh boys...."

"Hey, don't give us that sad tone. We're fine", Jungkook protested.

"Especially knowing you are too", Namjoon added.
Our manager walked in, not bothering to knock. My finger instantly shot up to my lips, signalling him to be quiet around the sleeping men around me. Jungkook and Hoseok were on the chairs in the corner. Jin and Jimin were laying forward at the left foot of the hospital bed while Namjoon and Yoongi were on the right. And Taehyung, being the cuddler he is, had the special priviledge to be curled up on the bed with his face nuzzled into my side.

"Got them to sleep?", Manager Sejin chuckled quietly, manouvering his way around so he was next to me.

"Wasn't easy", I replied with a grin.

He nodded. "I was gonna let you know that you'll be given a week off to rest", Sejin informed. My mouth dropped.

"A week's so long", I pouted. "I already slept for two days."

"You still need the rest", he answered.

"Just three days? That's reasonably enough", I pleaded with my puppy eyes. Sejin tried to resist, but failed.

"Fine", he said in defeat. I grinned as I watched him head out the room to make the call to Bang PD. Suddenly, I felt Taehyung squirm under me and I see him lazily opening his eyes.

"You should've taken that week off", he said, his voice deep and hoarse from his nap. "You need to rest."

"You're one to talk", I tutted and lightly slapped the back of his head so it'd lay back by my waist. "Go sleep." He chuckled but obliged, hugging me tighter.
This was a bit rushed but I knew I had to post something. Also I watched Christopher Robin; such a sweet movie


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