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Our director with a cameraman pulled me aside behind a screen.

"What's this?"

"We're giving you your mission", he told me and I 'aah'ed. He held out multiple coloured papers, each with a different challenge to do. I admired the pretty colours before picking out a folded lilac one.

"'Kiss'?", I read out confused while facing the text towards the camera. "Am I suppose to kiss the members?", I chuckled.

"Close. You'll have to get two members to kiss you. Anywhere is fine", the director told me.

I laughed. "How it must be destiny that I got this. Imagine if one of the other boys got this, that would be interesting to see", I said and headed out as the 10 minute countdown began.

"Hobi oppa is the most affectionate when it comes to kisses, especially towards Taehyungie oppa", I raised my hand to my mouth as if I had revealed some juicy gossip. "So he should be easy."

"Remember you can't tell them what you're doing", the director reminded me and I nodded. Stepping into the room, I saw Hoseok sitting at the table, concentrated on his phone. I glanced back to the camera and grinned, a plan already in my head.

"Oppa, you have a little something on your mouth", I spoke up, pointing at my own lips to emphasize.

Looking up he wiped his mouth around the same place I was pointing at my mouth, but I kept up with the lie saying it was still there.

"Okay hold on just-- stay still", I told him and he did so.

"Oh it's kind of on your lips, pout a bit", I added and he complied. Right before my fingertips brushed against his lips, I dipped my head down so he'd kiss my cheek. I stood up straight with a giggle as I saw his surprised expression.

"What was that?", He laughed along. "Is this a mission?"

"No," I denied. I couldn't have him know and tell the other boys. They'd start to purposely avoid me and I couldn't risk that. I'd also fail my mission.

At that moment Namjoon walked in, landing as my new target.

"Oppa if you could just stay still--"

"Namjoon don't she's doing her mission right now and I think it involves giving her a kiss", Hoseok butted in. Namjoon was only confused as he had not processed anything any of us had said.
Though it seemed he heard Hobi and dodged me as I stepped closer.

"What's your mission?", The leader looked over accusingly.

"I'm not sure but she made me kiss her cheek so I think we have to give her a kiss", Hoseok answered him. Jin, Yoongi and Taehyung were also in the room so they had to have heard. Taehyung even teasingly held his phone up to cover his mouth.

"Oppa!", I whined. The director told me I had 30 seconds left. I panicked and went to try find Jimin but Jungkook had just walked in.

"Jungkook don't listen to what she says she's doing her mission right now!", Namjoon pointed at me while laughing, clearly finding my flustered state entertaining.

"3, 2, 1. Times up Marin. You failed", our director smiled sympathetically and I cried out in defeat. Jungkook despite not knowing what was going on wrapped his arms around me, pinning my arms down but I didn't care.

"What was your mission, noona?", Jungkook asked with a chuckle.

"I had to get two members to kiss me", I pouted.

"You couldn't let us know?", Taehyung asked from the couch and I hummed a 'yes'.

"Aww poor noona", Jungkook cooed and bent down so he could place a big sloppy kiss on my temple. The other boys cried out in laughter while I squirmed.

"Yah Jungkook! Couldn't you have done that 30 seconds ago?", I complained. He only grinned evilly and littered annoying loud pecks everywhere on my face.

I had planned something longer but I don't know how soon I'll get that started and done with and sis needed to update so here's a last second idea I got after my friend sent a vid of bangtan doing missions weee


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