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This chapter takes place in between my "MMA" chapter

"Hi, Marin. How are you?", One of our makeup stylists Eojun looked at me sympathetically. It had been a week since my accident at the MMA and I still had the cast on. Compared to before it wasn't in a bulky plastic cast but now wrapped up with a smaller ankle brace. It was a bit easier to limp around at least.

"Why don't you have your crutches?", She scolded me, taking me from Jin who was holding me up and sat me down on the couch.

"Look at her, she's small and frail. She could barely hold up one of them with or without her fractured ankle", Jin said.

"With seven boys circling around you like vultures you don't really need crutches", I shrugged at my stylist who only gave me a smile.

"You're gonna be okay?", Jimin turned to me. He's been one of the more cautious people around me and making sure I don't put pressure on my foot and that I'm comfortable.

"I'll be fine now go get fitted", I shooed him away. Chuckling he followed our other stylist to try on his MAMA outfit.

"So you're going, huh?", Eojun said, skimming through the rack of clothing.

"Wasn't the plan, but the boys were persistent."

"Definitely wasn't the plan. We had to find a last minute outfit for you", she sighed and I almost felt bad.

"On the bright side", Eojun started with an excited tone. "I finally get to dress you up in something I've wanted to for months now."

"Should I be afraid?", I chuckled nervously as she held a hanger with a big cover hanging from it. With the help of another stylist they took me behind a changing screen.
"Oh", is all I said as I felt the smooth fabric under me.

Eojun clapped like an excited child, taking me all in. Helping me out from the screen I properly looked at myself in the full body mirror.

 Helping me out from the screen I properly looked at myself in the full body mirror

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"Woah", I heard Jimin say behind me. Looking over my shoulder his mouth was in the shape of a small 'o' and his eyes were wide. "You look great."

"You think so?", I asked a bit shy from the looks everyone was giving me.

"Wah, worldwide angel~", Jin grinned from the other side of the room.

"You look really pretty, noona", Jungkook added. He had walked over from his spot and felt the material.

"Thanks guys", I smiled and admired myself more in the mirror.
"Marin-sshi?" Yugyeom looked surprise to me see sitting at the artists spot. The rest of GOT7 was behind him pleasantly surprised to see me too.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you hurt your foot?", JB asked. I quickly told them about the boys pestering our CEO into allowing me to attend and they laughed.

"Yeah sounds like them", Jackson crossed his arms with a grin. "You look really pretty by the way. You should wear dressed more often", he complemented.

"Awh, thank yo--"

"Jackson hyung!", Jimin's voice cuts me off. Turning around they saw BTS walking up the steps. They must've arrived from the red carpet. Jungkook, Yugyeom and Bambam share quick bro hugs and the rest bowed to each other respectfully.

"We should sit at our respective seats", Jimin said, hands clasped together in front of him.

Jinyoung pouted cutely. "Do you want to get rid of us that quickly? That hurts", he said with a hand over his heart.

"Alright alright. Get well soon Marin", my '96 liner friend Youngjae wished me with a friendly hand on my shoulder. Netizens knew of our friendship so we didn't worry about open interactions. Bowing again they headed to their seats behind us. Jimin practically threw himself next to me and then rubbed my bare shoulder that Youngjae just had his hand on before as if he had dirtied it.

"What's up with you?", I asked him with an eyebrow raised.

"What are you talking about?", he responded to me obliviously while linking our hands together. Shrugging I excused it as him being in his touchy mood and let him be.
Throughout the rest of the award show, Jimin continuously played around with me in subtle ways. A few minutes into the event he lent me his jacket. He'd play around with my hands, randomly poke my cheek and even ran his fingers through my hair. Truthfully I enjoyed every moment but it was so sudden of him. He also wouldn't let me get a water bottle for myself. If he even so saw me move an inch, he'd ask if I needed anything and get it for me. When I tried stand up for a winner, he'd try to hold me back. When I asked him what was wrong, he said it was nothing and brush his lips over my knuckles while he giggled.

Seventeen had finished their special stage performance with Gfriend and were heading back to their seats.

"You did good!", I showed two thumbs up when DK and Mingyu passed our spot. Almost immediately Jimin pushed my arms down. Luckily they didn't seem to mind and laughed. "Thank you noona", I heard them both say before taking their seats.

"Yah, what was that for?", I scolded Jimin. It wasn't a serious angry yell but I was starting to get slightly annoyed. "Why'd you do that?"

"The only men you're allowed to talk to are me and the other boys", he wiggled his pointer finger to my face with a silly grin. I slapped it away and squinted at him. "Oppa, I'm serious. You've been attached to me all night. What's up?"

Hearing that I was using my serious tone, he slumped his shoulders and raked his hair back, letting his hand cup the back of his neck. "I'm sorry," he told me. "It's like an older brother instinct I guess."

When it was evident on my face that I didn't understand what he meant he placed his hand on my left knee where my cast was down on my ankle. "Since you got hurt I've just had the urge to make sure you're comfortable and okay. I guess it got in my head a bit too much to the point I didn't even allow other male idols to talk to you. Sorry", he explained.

With his pouty lips and innocent eyes and intentions, there was no way I could stay mad at him. Cupping his cheeks I cooed, "Awwww oppa loves Rinnie so much."

He pulled my hands away from his face but still held on to them, a flush evident on his face. "Yaah, of course."

The rest of the night I held his hand and was returned his affection. I just knew all the JiRin shippers in the audience were dying.

Now leaving Fluff Station. Next stop Angst-ville lmao


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