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Start your year off right with a ship chapter ;D


As the song for the ending ment begun, confetti littered the air. Many idols stood on the Gayo stage, dancing along to the music and waving to the crowd.

While the MCs kept talking, behind them you could see BTS partying it up. The confetti canons were shot without warning, causing them to jump. But after getting over the initial shock they admired the snow-like decoration.

Marin looked like a child during their first winter. Her mouth was in a smiling gape as she held out her hands to catch as many little pieces of paper as she could. Taehyung was behind her left shoulder, a loving gaze in his eyes as he watched his younger member.

Marin looked over her shoulder and laughed at how much confetti was sitting on top of Taehyung's hair. She ruffled his fluffy hair and it all fell out. With a big box smile on his face, he took one that was caught in Marin's own hair and stuck it on to her cheek. As vengeance she did the same and by the end of the live broadcast the both of them had multiple shiny pieces of paper covering their faces.

 As vengeance she did the same and by the end of the live broadcast the both of them had multiple shiny pieces of paper covering their faces

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One of the first things that Marin did with Taehyung when they met for the first time as trainees was teach him how to braid. Growing up with a mother and younger sister, he always found the process of braiding satisfying and therapeutic-looking. So when young Marin caught Taehyung watching her braid her hair with a captivated gaze, she decided to show him the few styles that she knew. Taehyung now knew how to do a French, fishtail and even a pull through braid that he taught himself. If Marin stands in front of him, instinctively his hands would take her hair and just start braiding lazily. On some days Taehyung would stumble upon a braiding tutorial on his feed and would pull Marin over to test it out.

"Our new hair stylist, Kim Taehyung", Hoseok giggled while he pointed the camera towards his younger member. They had a schedule and the style their stylist wanted to use on Marin involved a few little braids. Hearing that, Marin called over Taehyung and asked him to help out. Hoseok grabbed a camera and started filming for a Bangtan Bomb Taehyung weaving her blue dip-dyed brown hair with a frown filled with concentration.

"He takes his job very seriously", Marin commented with a laugh. "Taehyung oppa likes playing with my hair."

Eventually Taehyung finished and placed his hands on his hips proudly. Marin leaned forward to check in the mirror.

"Waah, it looks good!", She grinned.

"Yes everyone, if any of you need someone to do your hair you can rent him at 82 3467--", Hoseok cuts himself off from finishing the made up number as Taehyung reached over to smack him.

"Yes everyone, if any of you need someone to do your hair you can rent him at 82 3467--", Hoseok cuts himself off from finishing the made up number as Taehyung reached over to smack him

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"Why are you still up?"

Marin's eyes shot up towards the voice at her door. Taehyung leaned on her doorframe as he looked at her with a "you're in trouble" grin.

She looked at her wall clock and back at Taehyung. "I didn't notice the time..?", She said sheepishly while slowly putting down her new novel that she had been reading apparently for the past 3 hours.

Taehyung shook his hanging head. "Once you get a book you never stop", he chuckled. "It's past your bedtime."

"I'm not a kid", Marin huffed opposingly.

"But you look like one", he replied. "That's it," He stretched his arms above his head. "You need to be taught a lesson."


In no time at all, Taehyung pounced on Marin on her bed. Laying on top of her, he smothered kisses all over her face while lightly tickling her sides. She squirmed violently under him, trying to not cry too loud that would accidentally wake up the rest.

"Op-oppa! You're gonna wake up everyone!", Marin whined at him. He finally stopped his torture, laying his head on her chest and staring right into her eyes.

"I love you."

"Yeah yeah. Now go close my door I'll sleep now", she shrugged off his confession and tried pushing him off of her. Taehyung went ahead to close her bedroom door, but didn't step out.

"I think I'll sleep here tonight. Who knows I could've stopped you reading at a crucial moment and you're desperate to know what happens next. Then afterwards something else might've happened that results into you pulling an all nighter."

Flabbergasted by his very specific statement, she wanted to tell him that he was wrong, but he wasn't. Not getting a reply, Taehyung's deep voice rumbled from his little laugh, knowing his little sister all too well.

Taehyung slipped under the covers next to Marin and pulled her closer by the waist. "Finish off your chapter, then go to bed, kay?", he ordered and closed his eyes. Grinning, she picked up her novel again and opened back up the page where she left off. After some time she looked down at Taehyung who seemed to already be unconscious. His hold on her waist was still firm.

"I love you too."

Awwww if u uwu'ed at that ending it's ok I did too huhu

Are y'all spending the first day of 2019 well? I experienced being in a car accident so that's interesting. It was little I'm all good👌


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