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Taehyung and I were watching a show on my laptop when suddenly he needed to use the bathroom. Already knowing how the episode went, he told me to just continue watching and went into my bathroom.

Not feeling like watching without him, I paused and took out my phone, scrolling through my social medias. A post caught my eye, a tweet about me.

These were taken literally 2 weeks ago😨 I hope she's not starving herself

Attached below were two pictures of me from award shows. The first was a full body fansite photo of me standing on stage during a recent song festival. The second one was three days ago during Busan One Festival. It was visible that I had gotten thinner, my thighs a bit smaller and face slimmer,  but starving myself? Did it look like it really got to that point?

There was no particular reason why I wanted to lose weight, I just wanted a slimmer body. Since BOF was soon, I worked diligently with our trainer to prepare my figure for the stage. I did get thinner like how I aimed for but the tweet had me thinking, was I going too far?

She was already skinny enough😔😔😔

Does she think this is flattering?

It's awkward to watch her dance with her ribcage practically protruding out of her

Were some of the replies under the comment. I pushed my laptop off of my lap and walked towards my vanity mirror. I lifted my shirt and ran a hand over my stomach. Lightly pressing down on my chest, it barely needed any effort for my ribcage to start forming underneath. Oh god, I was getting skinny.

Standing up and taking a few steps back, I pinched my thighs. There was barely anything to grab on to compared to before I started working out. Realising it, I hugged myself, running my hands up and down my arms, starting to feel regret.

"Rinnie?" I was too caught up in my thoughts to hear Taehyung come back out from the bathroom. I barely turned my head around to look at him. I heard his footsteps getting closer and closer and looking through the mirror, he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Am I...", I started quietly, not sure how to form the words. "Am I getting too thin?"

His eyebrows furrowed. "Didn't you want to get thinner?", He asked.

He just stated the obvious, but it only made me feel worst. I gently pushed his arms off me and sat on the edge of my bed, picking up my phone that still had the tweet displayed on the screen. Not saying a word I handed it to him and he read through it and scrolled through the comments.

"Oh, Rin." I whined out hearing his pitiful tone on me and fell back. My arm covered my eyes that were starting to water a bit.

Taehyung held my wrist up to see my face. I pouted sadly and he cooed at me like a baby was about to cry. "Oh no no don't be like that honey", he said to me. He started to tickle my sides and I squirmed, begging him to stop.

Heaving for air after the tickle feast was when he finally stopped. I was on my side facing away from him and that's when I felt him hug me from behind again.

"They're just surprised by how much you lost weights in just 2 weeks, that's all", he told me.

"Apparently that's not attractive", I huffed and flipped over so I'd face him.

"Do you feel pretty?", He asked me. He ran his hand from my hip up until my shoulder blade. "Are you happy with your body right now?"

I thought about it. I was happy when I got the figure I envisioned myself in. The comments though, they taunt me in the back of my mind.

"Right now? Not really", my bottom lip poked out. Taehyung brushed my stray hair behind my ear. "What do you think?"

"You know I'll always find you pretty", Taehyung responded like I had asked him something offensive. His fingers danced on my side, causing me to giggle a bit. "I'll support you in any way. I think you're pretty when you think you're pretty, when you're happy with yourself. Because happy you is the most beautiful you."

I processed his words, and then pushed his face away cheesing. "That 'Power Of Words' book you're reading is really coming in handy isn't it?", I sighed and he only flashed his boxy smile.

Rolling on my back I think about his words again. Taehyung had prompted himself up with his arm, looking down to me. I shifted my eyes to meet his awaiting ones.

"I think a pizza would make me pretty happy", I grinned mischievously.

Taehyung laughed, standing up and holding out his hand to me. "Fine, my treat."

JiminsThiccThighss said I could use their username in my last Twitter chapter so 😔👉👈

This was inspired from all the "[insert member name] when you feel insecure" posts I see on IG. Most of them the girl was gaining weight so my original ass was like "wHaT aBouT hEr lOoSiNg weIgHt" so here we are lololol

I'm genuinely curious to know where most of you are from so where y'all from haha


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