.kidnap (pt.1).

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Suggested by Purprise

Summary: the title's pretty self explanatory lmao

A trigger warning? Mention of rape, if you're sensitive about that you can just skip the second paragraph after the first black heart uwu


I was against going out and being with friends at first, Heeyoung was only 5 months old, but Namjoon and Hoseok pushed me to saying they'd take care of her and that I needed some time to myself. As much as I worried for my baby I was also excited to get out of the house and to worry not about how cranky Heeyoung gets when she isn't held.

"You really don't have to, Marin. There's a 7Eleven just across the road from our place," Dawon from Royalty worried from the other side of the call.

"Seriously it's fine unnie. It was on my way to your place so it's easier to just get the snacks here", I reassured her while picking another pack of chips. Royalty was on a break so we all agreed to just chill at their dorm and watch some movies and do karaoke. I volunteered to buy snacks for everyone and Dawon thought it was being a bother to me.

"Alright, be safe and see you soon."

"CAN YOU GET SOME PRINGLES TOO--", I heard Sooyeong butt in last second before Dawon hung up. Chuckling I went over and took a can of the sweet&sour flavoured chips.

I had to park my car a bit further from the store due to the limited parking space. Swinging the big plastic bag filled with snacks in my hand I whistled a tune while daydreaming about the fun activities I was going to do with my friends.

I had been focusing on being a mom for so long now, for a second it felt weird walking alone and being my own woman. I definitely had to get used to it again.

The sound of a car pulling up behind me was heard. I didn't think much of it and continued walking. Before I knew it my arms were being restrainted and a cloth was being pressed over my nose and mouth.

My heartbeat exhilarated as I jerked my body around to try get free. I was scared for my life, but my muffled screams were useless. After some time my eyelids started to get heavier and heavier. My bag slipped out of my arm as I fell limp in my kidnappers arms.


A stinging headache and heavy eyes is how I woke up God knows how many hours later. Everything was dark but it felt like there was a bed under me. I tried to move but my arms could only go so far as they were held back by some silk cloth. Looking down my legs were also tied down with the same material on the bed.

'Oh fuck. Am I going to get raped? Fuck. Fuck. Please no', was all that filled my mind. An anxiety attack was starting to bubble up, but I knew better than to panic at a setting like this. Taking deep breaths I thought about happy things and it was successful into calming me down.

The door in front of the bed suddenly opened and I cringed at the bright light that sillouhetted the person. The person flicked on the lights and I clamped my eyes shut at all this sudden brightness.

"Baby~ She's awake", a woman's voice called out into the hallway, shrill and squeaky. Her volume wasn't even that loud, but it made my head hurt.

Not too long after, I heard another person walk in.

"Wow, look at you."

My heart stopped. That voice. I knew that voice.

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