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Requested by cupoftaebae

Summary: Marin gets terrible news and boys comfort her


"5 more minutes guys!", The show director called from outside our dressing room. We changed and got hair and makeup done ready for our SMA performance. As the stylist did my hair, I sipped some of my water and browsed through my phone. A ding went off, signalling I had gotten a message.

Jinhye: Rio got in an accident

A really bad one

My heart dropped to my stomach. Not letting her continue to type out the story, I called my middle school friend.

"What do you mean she got in an accident?", I said, trying to stay calm and not yell.

"She was driving to take a turn, and some jackass ran a red light and crashed into her", Jinhye explained, her voice wavering. She was probably still in shock.

"Is she okay?", I asked. My stylist was already starting to look worried but I shrugged her off.

"I'm at the hospital right now. Her parents are booking a flight as we speak. The doctors say she's stable", Jinhye said and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Is it bad?", I asked.

"I don't want to stress you out, but I don't want to lie either", was all Jinhye had to say to sum up Rio's condition. It was bad. It must be very bad.

"God, I still have a few award shows and some concerts before I have my month off." I resisted from running my hand through my carefully styled hair. Jinhye told me not to worry and said I shouldn't stress. She'd update me as soon as she gets anything. Our manager behind me called saying we need to get going. I ended the call and slipped on my earpiece as we headed to the stage.

"You okay?", Namjoon asked as we waited for our cue.

I didn't want to say anything at first, still numb from the shocking news. It'd eat me up though if I kept it in so I weakly replied, "My friend got in an accident."

Just then the stage manager gestured for us to get on stage. Looking over his shoulder and back to me, he wrapped a reassuring arm around my shoulders and gently squeezed.

"Power through just for a bit, okay?", He told me and I nodded.


The next few days were agonizing to say the least. Bang PD was sweet enough to let me have the afternoon off the next day to visit Rio. The rest of the time we were practicing and recording Run episodes.

Rio was unconscious when I arrived, casts and cuts littered her arms and face. Jinhye told me that her lung was hit badly and needed an oxygen mask to help her breath. I silently cried while she comforted me. Even if the past few years we had drifted a bit, she was one of my closest school friends next to Jinhye. I remembered back in school when she couldn't get the accent right when trying to say "handsome" in Korean and how I helped her out when getting food from the cafeteria. As a trainee she'd treat me food and she'd drag me around Seoul to distress me when I told her I was troubled.

I skipped down the stairs of the concert hall of the last Love Yourself concert before our break and dashed into the dressing room. I fished out my phone from my bag and saw that I had 5 missed calls from Jinhye. I quickly called her back. Recently she had Facetimed me and Rio was awake. She was still weak, only smiling and waving a bit but I had never felt more relieved. It looked like she was recovering well.

The first thing I heard when Jinhye finally picked up was a shaky breath.


"She's gone. She's brain dead."

My fingers almost dropped my phone. Luckily my chair was right behind me as I searched for it to sit down. My heart definitely had just skipped a beat and my mind went fuzzy.

"Wha-what do you mean..."

"She's gone, Marin. Rio was eating and she just suddenly flat lined and when they brought her back she was brain dea-- I'm sorry I can't", Jinhye's voice cracked at the last words before hanging up. My hand fell on to my lap, my phone almost slipping out. Breathing was suddenly heavy and tiring and everything just felt numb.

"Marin?", I barely caught Jimin's worried voice. I barely felt his hand rest on my shoulder and his face was blurry as he bent down eye-level with me.

I couldn't say anything. How could I say anything? No words formed and it felt like my soul had just left my body. Jimin's little thumbs wiped away the stray tears that had started to fall. People around me started to panic a bit as I was practically unresponsive and dead looking. I blinked away the wall of tears from my eyes and saw that Namjoon was now crouching in front of me, eyebrows furrowed trying to see through me.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye."


Rio's funeral was a week ago back in Thailand. I flew over and spent a night there for it. Since then I stayed in my room. She was too young. I felt like there were still so many things that we didn't get to finish or do together. The saying about how you don't truly appreciate and care for a person until they're gone was boring into the back of my head. My idol life was so busy, I didn't get to spend a lot of time with her. I couldn't fulfill our middle school promise that we'd stay friends forever until we were 100.

The boys didn't try force me out of the comforts of my room. Jin and Hoseok would take turns bringing in food and ate silently with me. Jimin every now and then came in and read a book with me. Even if he thought I wasn't listening, he'd still tell me what was currently happening in his story and make guesses on what would happen next. Jungkook went back to his hometown, but would send pictures of anything he said reminded him of me. Yoongi was also back in his hometown in Daegu and sent pictures of Holly with captions like "Holly wishes you to get better and be happy". When I arrived at the airport from Thailand, Namjoon brought me to a park where we walked around enjoying the fresh air. He didn't mind me weakly holding on to his pinky as we walked side by side.

The clingiest was definitely Taehyung. He could emphasized how it felt to loose someone while you were overseas. Every night since I had gotten back he cuddled me in his sleep, giving me warmth and comfort. It brought some tears to my eyes the first time as I remembered that it was the same thing I did to him when we found out his grandmother passed away.

As he wrapped his arms protectively around my head, my face tucked into his chest, I heard him softly singing a sweet tune.

"That was nice", I spoke up, my voice a little hoarse from not saying anything for a while. "What song is it?"

"It's the song I'm working on", he replied. I recalled some time ago that he sent me a piano demo. I had completely forgot about it.

"It sounds good. What's it called?"

"Scenery", he responded. He sang a bit more of his self composed song before I fell asleep.

Y'all keep requesting me dramatic angsty stuff lmao. Not that I don't like them it's exciting getting requests in general but damn try me some fluff or sumn every now and then😂 this book's gonna become an angst one shot book at this point

I would've gotten this up sooner but my portable WiFi was being a dick

We're at another volcano cool


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