.the day.

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Requested by Taezelly (like 3 centuries ago AHAHAHAH sorry hun lmao)

Summary: continuation from my ".yes." chapter

The male's ears perked up at the sound of the door to the dorm opening. A smile immediately grew on his face when he spotted his fiancée slipping off her shoes.

"Hey hun", Taehyung cooed with a boxy grin, eyes not leaving Marin as she walked behind the couch to him. Her hands met his shoulders and massaged them for a little bit before she leaned down to place a light peck on his cheek.

"How was the dress shopping?", He asked. Taehyung took her arms as Marin lazily crawled over and flopped herself on to the couch, her head on his lap.

"We found the dress", Marin grinned widely.

Taehyung gasped happily. "Did you? What does it look like?"

"I can't tell you that", Marin laughed, squinting at Taehyung.

"I can't help it", He smiled. "It's one thing you're wearing a dress, but two?" Taehyung couldn't even finish his sentence as he laid his head back, dumbfounded at the mental of his soon-to-be wife in a white dress.

Originally it was just going to be one dress for the ceremony and reception that would be in an indoor venue. Taehyung though, being the wild and outgoing spirit he is wanted an outdoor theme. Marin wasn't against it, but she'd rather be nice and cozy indoors where she'd sweat less and have less of a chance for her makeup to melt. Both were adamant on their venues, so after discussion, they decided to have their ceremony outdoors in a wide fancy hotel garden and their reception in the hotel ballroom. The dress Marin had first thought of does not suit the outdoors, so she prompted to buying a second.

"Just oneee hint", Taehyung tried to bargain. Marin was not buying it but couldn't ignore the puppy pout he was giving her. "Okay okay fine", Marin answered. She sat up crossed legged and faced the excited soon-to-be groom.

"The hint," she started, adding suspense. "Is that it's white."

Marin bursted out laughing as Taehyung started to whine out loud. "Baaaabe, that's not a real hint. All wedding dresses are white", he cried.

"You wanted a hint, you got it." Marin crossed her arms with a cheeky pout. Marin stood up to take a shower and cupped the sulking man's cheek.

"Just 5 more months babe", she smiled warmly before leaning down to kiss his lips. Taehyung humphed, complaining that it was too long. Pinching his cheek, she left for their bathroom.


5 months passed by quick and it was finally the day. The day Marin would become a married woman. The bride sat on her vanity chair as she stared at her appearance in the mirror.

"Oh my god I'm getting married", she repeated what was probably the 50th time out loud. Marin stood up and jumped in her spot to get the nervous jitters out.

"Oh my god I'm getting married."

"Be careful of the dress!", Her sister in law Sunghee exclaimed, worried about the chiffon dress that bounced with every step she took. 

"Why do I feel like running away?", Marin asked her in a panicked giggle. Sunghee is married so she must understand.

"It's okay, I felt the same", Sunghee laid a hand on her shoulder. Marin gave her a grateful smile, though it didn't completely calm her down.

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