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"This dumbass is actually trying to give me a heart attack isn't he?", I grunted under my breath as I finally made it to the construction site. Truthfully inside I was a panicking mess. A huge crowd of people surrounded the site as police cars and news vans tried to get a glimpse of the famous hero from below.

"It appears Spiderman is being held down by the villain Sandman at the moment, as the notorious Venom taunts and prowls at the web-slinger", a newswoman reporter beside me said into her mic towards the camera.

The door behind me made a loud bang sound as it met with the doorframe, slamming shut. What right do my parents think they could tell me what was right and wrong and saying they'd ground me? They never cared about me. They never gave a shit about my whereabouts. I've always came home at this time, so why were they giving me crap about "coming home late"?

I stomped onto my balcony and buried my face in my hands, letting some tears fall. It was highly unlikely that Spidey would swing by as I just met up with him for lunch again, but I prayed internally that he would pass by and see me in my devastated state. My chest craved for his comfort, his quips, his hugs.

A gust of cold wind brushed past my shoulder and I shivered. Looking up from my knees I saw that the sky had darkened to a warm orange. Standing up from my sat down position, I rubbed my swollen eyes of probably hours of crying. My mouth begged for water. As much as I dreaded to be in the same area as my parents, I couldn't resist the need.

My steps were heavy as I walked down the stairs. As expected my parents were at the couch on their phone or newspaper as the TV played as background sound. With not a peep from me I passed from behind towards the kitchen, until I saw a familiar glimpse of red and blue.

"It looks like Spiderman has arrived to save the day once again", the voice of a news reporter said. The camera focused on the hero swinging into a construction site I recognized was around Yejang-Dong. The sand monster roared towards Spiderman, causing the camera to shake. The web-slinger swung a kick to his face, causing a big chunk of it to fall off. From behind he didn't see the other growling villain and he was brought down into the construction building.

Sandman turned to where they had landed, and slammed his sand fist down. It was almost unclear, but it was visible that Spiderman got hit hard. I almost screamed at the multiple hits the hero was receiving.

Forgetting all about my thirst, I ran back upstairs and grabbed my hoodie and hair tie. I quickly grabbed a small backpack and threw in a few things. My parents turned their heads when they hear my fast footsteps.

"Where do you think you're going?", My mom asked as she watched me slip on my shoes.

"I'll be back by 10", I told them briefly.

"Did you not remember that we grounded--"

"I am going to leave", I cut him off. Their eyes widened at my sudden back-talk.

"I am going to leave, and you guys are going to not care, like you always do", I deadpanned, and left the house.

I pushed through the big crowd trying to catch the action up above. Police we busy holding back people from crossing the tape they had put up. The closest to me was occupied with a devoted teenager trying to get closer footage, and I took it as my chance to go.

"Stay behind the tape, miss!", Another officer out of nowhere held me back just as I went under the tape. I couldn't make a scene, so I silently stepped back, pulling my face mask up higher. I looked around to try find another route. My eyes caught on to a loose zink wall, clear of any police and people. I pushed my way through and slipped in.

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