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Suggested by Thicchoesuck (and supported by many of you lmao)

Summary: some fun in the kitchen ;)


Stepping out of the quick cold shower Marin slipped back on the white long sleeved button up shirt she used earlier as a jacket and some loose work out shorts. She and Jin planned to cook an early Western style dinner for everyone but agreed to wash up first after their full day schedule. Stepping into the kitchen Marin saw Jin at the counter checking over all the ingredients for a big steak feast.

"Hey babe. Shall we get started?", She greeted while rolling up her sleeves. Jin glanced up and cleared his throat under his breath. He kept glancing up discreetly, mostly at the bra that was faintly seen through the white top and light that shone above her, making the black material stand out more. Jin saw that she was wearing shorts and could imagine clearly the possible matching black panties worn underneath. He coughed at the dirty thought and looked back down at the pepper in front of him. "Shouldn't you wear something less bright coloured? You might get a stain", he commented, eyes still on the condiment.

Marin wasn't dense; she saw how bothered Jin already was just by her outfit and was absolutely turned on by it. Crossing her legs as she walked closer, she purposely unbuttoned the third button while saying she'd be super careful. Her collarbone was now out in the open, practically begging to be littered with hickeys and bite marks. Jin resisted, knowing the rest were in the house and how cranky Jungkook can get when he doesn't get food as promised.

Jin asked Marin to get some pots and pans ready and she followed. As wet as she wanted to get the older male, she still wanted some grilled steak. She opened the floor cabinet and bent forward to grab the pots they needed. When she couldn't reach the lid that was at the far back, she went down on all fours and reached forward for it. She had forgotten for a second that Jin was practically gripping at his growing member as her shirt got pulled up from her reaching out, her shorts also pulled up slightly to see the shadow of her ass.

She sat on a sitting kneel position, content after finally grabbing the pot lid. Marin turned her head and jumped slightly when she saw Jin staring intensely.

"Like what you see?", She teased. The younger girl placed her hands on the ground and stood up with her ass up first, wiggling it slightly for the extra tease. She placed the pots and pans on the counter in front of Jin and smiled nicely while his eyes scanned her. "Close your mouth oppa, you'll catch a fly", she scolded with a friendly tone.
The aroma of the T-bone steak and the sound of the sizzle filled the kitchen. Jin sprinkled some spices, added vegetables and poured the sauce over it and Marin couldn't help but be in awe of how well he cooked. There was just something about men who looked good and could cook that just turned her on. Hands behind her back she leaned over to see what he was doing.

"Can I try?", Marin asked. Jin looked over and sucked in a breath. He looked away as if fighting in his head whether or not to let her, but eventually side stepped a bit to make room for her. Grinning, Marin took the spatula from his hand and stirred the vegetables around.

Jin was still close behind her, she could feel it. Truthfully she felt a little nervous and could feel her heartbeat booming against the inside of her chest. The lustful dark aura was strong and it was boring into her back. Without realising, she accidentally flicked out a piece of carrot out of the pan and it fell on to the ground. Before she could bend down to pick it up, two very firm hands gripped her sides, causing her to suck in a breath. Behind her, she felt Jin bent down to pick up the stray food. He took his time standing back up, letting his nose and cheek very lightly graze against the back of her bare thighs and clothed butt. Goosebumps erupted on her skin.

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