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Their pieces of clothing from last night stayed strewn across the floor. Early in the morning the two woke up in each others arms. Bare skin touching skin Marin and Yoongi exchanged pecks and kisses while still laying in bed.

Marin kissed Yoongi's lips a bit longer and pulled back. "This better be proving my love towards you because I'm kissing you regardless of our morning breaths", she commented while using her hand to block her mouth so he doesn't smell her breath.

A small smile on his face, Yoongi pushed her hand away and pulled her closer, his face nuzzling the top of her head. He took in her warmth and savoured her natural scent. "But you keep walking away", Yoongi responded.

"I don't walk away", Marin disagreed with furrowed eyebrows. She pushed her blanket back and swung her legs off her bed, taking a moment to let herself balance since she was still a bit sore. Yoongi smirked silently to himself noticing how she needed to grip herself.

Oh how perfect she was to him. Though all he saw was her back and her long cascading hair, it was like admiring a Renaissance painting. Her shoulder blades that moved with every movement, the small purplish hickey he had left just behind the crook of her neck, the smooth curve of her waist to her hips and the roundness of her ass, God she was absolutely breathtaking.

"You're doing it right now", he blinked back out if his daydreaming and spoke back on the issue. Marin stared at him while grabbing her towel that hung from the inside of her bathroom door, wrapping it around her naked self.

"Don't take it the wrong way", she sighed and walked up to him. Yoongi sat up and hugged her waist, leaning his head against her stomach. Marin tugged and played a bit with his messy bed hair. "Our jobs are still our priority. You know I love you and you should know that I love you too. I trust you entirely but we both agreed that we wouldn't let this distract us, not saying that this", Marin used her hand to gesture between them, "is a distraction. Oppa we talked about this."

"I know I know it's just", Yoongi paused, shy to voice out his true thoughts. "I miss you."

You'd think during break they actually do go on a break. Meetings about their next concept, collaborations with other artists, sometimes just couped up in their own studios working on solo projects, they aren't as free as you'd think. During those moments Yoongi just wants Marin there. She doesn't even have to do anything, just sitting there with her presence in the same room is just as good. When he's stressed, he wants Marin to hug him from behind and say encouraging words. Sometimes he needs to take 5, and he'd want to cuddle on the couch with Marin. Yoongi doesn't show it, but he loves affection and all that cute shit.

Marin smiled at the sweet confession. She ran her thumb and four fingers down his face, later squishing his cheeks that puckered out his small pouty lips. Chuckling at how cute he looked, she lightly patted his head and told him, "I'm taking a shower", and turned to go into her bathroom.

Yoongi leaned back on his arms. "Can I join?", He asked suggestively. Her only response was his T-shirt being chucked into his face.


Marin was in the practice room with Jimin and Yoongi was in his studio working on the arrangement for Epik High's new song. He was going to do his part first, send it to the other arranger and then they'd discuss on what could be improved.

Staring at his big screen he kept running his hand over his face and ruffling his hair, his inspiration dry as his mind was preoccupied thinking about a certain someone.

The way her dancer hips rolled on to his erection the night before, how she smirked when he panted and moaned her name, the way she squeaked and was short of breath every time he pushed deeper. They were both a mess under each others lustful spells. The memory brought a smile to his face.

Yoongi's fingers trailed up to lightly touch the healing love mark behind his ear left by Marin. He was needy. Needy for her.

"Marin, I need your opinion on a song", Yoongi called out. He had left the comforts of his studio and headed towards the practice room he knew she was in. Jimin was on his phone sitting on the ground, while Marin was dancing in front of the mirror.

Yoongi saw her serious expression through the mirror. Her hips bucked forward following the original dance of an idol group she was covering. He had cut off his own thought process by calling out for Marin.

The two walked side by side back to Yoongi's studio. Marin was dabbing her sweat off with a hand towel, not a word had been uttered since they left the practice room.

"I wasn't disturbing you was I?", Yoongi asked, now conscious and guilty that he pulled her away for his own selfish needs.

Though on the other hand, sometimes you gotta be selfish for yourself.

"No, I needed a break anyways", she responded, still a bit breathless from the intense choreography.

Stepping into the studio the girl immediately dropped herself on to Yoongi's big swirly office chair, sighing contently. As much as he loved her, he still wanted his chair, so he picked Marin's arm lazily saying she had to stand up. Opening her eyes, she held a hand to her chest and half heartedly replied, "The disrespect." Marin did eventually get up and the second Yoongi sat down she attacked his lap by sitting on it.

Marin took his earphones and played what he had done so far. She was so engrossed in the music, that she didn't notice Yoongi's finger trail up her leg until she felt his finger lightly scratching her inner thigh. She was taken by surprise. Marin wanted to ask what he was doing, but she didn't want to seem delusional and take everything so seriously so she let it go and went back to focusing on the song.

"Is it good?", Yoongi asked, his nose and mouth moving against the bare skin at the crook of her neck. He nuzzled around and planted little butterfly kisses trailing up and down. Marin giggled at the feeling.

"Is there a real reason I'm actually here?", She finally caught on and turned to her side, facing the older man. He looked up to her with his small doe eyes filled with adoration.

"Well you could give your opinions on the song", Yoongi said in pout, gesturing to the computer while scratching the ends of his hair. "But to be completely honest," he started and locked eyes with Marin's. "I just wanted you."

Laughing at the needy man, Marin leaned down and connected their lips sweetly. Yoongi held the back of her head and kissed her a bit more forcefully, showing that he wanted her. Marin shifted so that each leg was on either side of his lap, lips not breaking contact.

Yoongi lifted her up and moved to lay her down on his couch. The sound of lips smacking against each other and the occasional hums of pleasure filled the studio and it was music to Yoongi's ears.

Marin's lips traveled down and left kisses down his jaw until the space between his collarbone. Yoongi gasped a moan as he felt her nibble the sensitive area.

"What a needy boy", Marin murmured, connecting their lips again and biting down his bottom lip, dragging it out as he silently whimpered.


Also the song Marin was covering was Hobgoblin by CLC, I was describing the chorus part hehehe

That song should've been their upbringing its a bop and their concept was hot like was u deaf Korea


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