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"I have to what?"

"Relax you won't actually kiss. It'll all be camera angle", the director assured me watching my stunned expression.

I stood there speechless as the makeup artist touched up my face. I did sort of understand the director's vision. The theme of the Run MV was young and wild teenagers. To be honest the idea excited me, being able to tease the fans. Taehyung who was beside me ooo'ed quietly.

"I don't know...", I trailed off seeing the idea realistically. If it was just me and one of the boys... sure it would catch ARMY off guard, but the number one caution we all took when I joined the group was to be careful of our actions as dating rumors were the last thing on our minds.

"Alright, but what if we let the other boys kiss as well?", I suggested leaving the director and Taehyung's bug-eyed. If it was just me and another member, I'd feel like it would be prioritizing us and pull the attention away from the song. Bangtan tries to be different from other groups and their concepts. If other members did it with each other, we could add my part without it seeming so out of the blue, if that makes any sense.

"Rinnie I don't think--"

"Not like me on the lips idiot!", I cut off Taehyung. "We're gonna play spin the bottle, right? So in the beginning we'll just play regularly and you boys just kiss on the cheek and stuff. It'll make my scene look more natural and chill."

"That's actually a good plan. I like it", the director smiled.

"By the way, does it matter who I do it with?", I asked.

"Well the hyung line is out of the question as people will think they're too old for you, so it's between Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin", the director listed out. Immediately Taehyung backed away.

"No way, you're like my little sister. I cannot imagine us pretending to kiss", he emphasized the 'cannot'. Crossing my arms I pondered on my last two options.

"Kookie just turned 18, also he's my baby Kookie", I thought out loud. I turned over to the orange haired boy across the room.

"Jimin oppa do you wanna pretend to kiss?"
I almost forgot we were still recording our MV. We stood around the small brown table as one by one we'd spin the green bottle in the middle. The way Suga would try to push away the puckering Jungkook from him and how I would push Taehyung and J-Hope to kiss seemed like us everyday. We weren't even acting anymore, we were just being us and that's one of the things I loved about being best friends with all of them.

"Cut! Okay we'll do one more round and then on to Jimin and Marin's scene", the director called through the speaker phone. Surprisingly Jimin didn't really pick up a fight when I mentioned our scene. Yes he was against it at first but agreed right after.

It was time before I knew it. I spun the bottle as everyone acted in anticipation. It didn't land on Jimin but it didn't matter, we'd cut it out. All the boys started to shove Jimin around as he acted flustered. Raising an eyebrow I smirked and eyed the boy across from me. As the table was small, it wasn't a problem leaning over and grabbing the back of his head, whipping his face close to mine.

"Cut! Marin can you try move your head more so it looks like you're really kissing? And maybe pull him closer until your foreheads are touching at least", the director called. I stood back up properly and laughed.

"Not even a year into my career and I already have to kiss someone", I said making the boys around me laugh.

This time we did the same thing, only with what I was told to do. I even flipped my caramel brown hair with pink highlights more dramatically to cover our faces a bit better. I was close to being deaf by how loud the hollering was.

"And...cut. Beautiful! Let's move on to the next scene", the director announce and I pull back. I noticed Jimin holding up his hand for a high five in which I responded.
"Oh...oh...WOAAAAAHHHHHHH", their defeaning screams filled the practice room. It was months later after the release of Run and we were finally reacting to the MV. The short but slowed down kiss scene was displayed on the screen of the laptop in front of us. The media took it pretty well and we were all relieved. I could tell Jimin was just as flustered as I was.

"WHY ARE YOU GIVING HIM THAT LOOK?!", Jin grabbed my shoulders from behind and shook me violently. I had to clutch on to Jungkook who was next to me in hopes that the older one would stop.

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