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This AU (I guess u can call it that) is in 2022

Namjoon stepped into the spacious apartment with a big plastic bag in his hands. He didn't have any super important projects that needed to be finished at the time, so he decided to go home early knowing Marin would be home.

"Rin-ah, I'm back!", He called out when he saw the living room and kitchen empty. Soft footsteps could be heard from the staircase and Namjoon looked up to see the girl come down the stairs. Marin aged like fine wine, somehow growing even more beautiful and elegant. One look at her and you'd think she's still 22 and not a 27 year old mother.

"Hey, you're back early", she said. Her eyes then shifted to the bag in his hands, recognizing the familiar shape and faint smell. A grin grew on her lips. "Is that gimbap?"

"From that stall you like so much", Namjoon added and it made the sparkle in her eyes even brighter. Marin told him how she had cooked japchae earlier and that it'd be great to have it with the gimbap. Nodding, the older one helped Marin warm up the noodles and together they sat in front of the TV, its noise only being a background sound as they chatted about their day.

"Is Heeyoung asleep?", Namjoon asked.

"Yeah, put her down for nap before you came back", Marin replied, rubbing her tired eyes. "She can be so stubborn sometimes."

The rapper smiled as the chubby faced one month old baby popped in his mind. Heeyoung; a girl who brings joy and prosperity wherever she goes. Namjoon suggested the name with the beautiful meaning, believing that that was what the baby would bring Marin and the rest of Bangtan.

While Namjoon told Marin a story about one of the members in BigHit's other boy group, he noticed that Marin wasn't paying attention, instead was staring straight ahead, a lost and mindless expression on her face.

"You alright?" He bent down to try meet her eyes. Namjoon worried that maybe there was something wrong with what she ate and was feeling an upset stomach. "Huh?", Marin said refocusing.

"Something wrong?"

"Ah, no sorry. Zoned out I guess", she brushed off. Namjoon lived with Marin long enough to know that wasn't the truth and that something was bothering her, but he kept quiet.
They finished their food and Marin was getting up to do the dishes. The older male of course said he could do it but she said she was fine, saying how he must've been exhausted from working.

"C'mon, it's nothing compared to you taking care of Heeyoung", he responded to which Marin silently nodded. "It's not that much anyways I can handle it."

"Seriously oppa it's fine let me do it", the new mother repeated again, stressing the last four words. Namjoon was taken aback but didn't let it show. He backed down and let her do what she wanted and said he'll find something to put on at the TV.

Not 5 minutes later did he hear a loud sound of something breaking from the kitchen. Running over, he saw Marin standing still while looking down at broken pieces of a porcelain bowl on the ground.

"Marin, oh my god are you okay?", Namjoon frantically asked while checking if she got herself hurt. That's when he noticed her stiff posture and glassy eyes. She was holding back tears.

It was useless to ask her if she was okay, he had asked that a lot in the past 2 hours. So the rapper carefully picked up the pieces of the shattered bowl, placed them on the counter and guided Marin to the couch.

"Rin please, talk to me", he softly urged his sister. She refused to look up as her eyes stayed glued to her lap. Namjoon caught the sight of a tear falling and it broke his heart. It killed him to see her so broken and unable to help.

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