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Not an 8th member update woops but this is a soulmate au I'm sorta working on using my OC girl group ARORA (their guide is on my profile in case you wanna see) and I've done the first chapter in my notes and so I wanna see people's reactions on it so far so here we are weee

Soul Flowers


"Fuck! Shit--damn it."

Victoria Yoon wasn't an idiot. She has seen enough horror movies to know that if a sudden voice was heard on the mostly barren floor around the hall, she makes a buzz line away from the source of said sound. As far as she knew, she was the only person on that floor. Chances are there was some wandering spirit whispering profanities just to lure her in. Curiosity unfortunately got the better of her and she took a peek around the corner.

A fluff of dark brown hair was crouched down in front of a pile of fallen makeup. Tori mentally whimpered at the sight. She wasn't a crazy makeup fanatic but she knew the value of it. Seeing the person still in distress, Tori helped pick up the broken blushes and compacts.

Simultaneously, the two strangers looked up. The first thing she noticed, after confirming his gender of course, was the clutter of light freckles that traveled from his cheekbones to across the bridge of his nose. It reminded her of her own freckles on her right cheekbone. His doe eyes stared at her surprised, making them rounder then they already were.

"Oh my god you're Tori."

Snapping out of it, she blinked out of the staring contest and broke into an awkward smile. "Oh, you know who I am...?"

Realising he had said it out loud, his ears flushed a bright red. "Ah well-- you should probably learn the names of the idols you'll be working with, right?"

"So you are new", Tori confirmed her earlier thought when she saw his ID card hanging around his neck, which only newbies did so the other staff could recognize them easier. That and the fact she has never seen him around before. He looked young, same age at most.

"I've been here for a week now", he stated, standing up with the box of broken product in his hands. Looking down he sighed exasperated before whining, "God they're gonna kill me."

Tori doesn't usually show sympathy, not even to half of her group members. But for some reason this young boy in front of her was an exception. You really couldn't deny those doe eyes and freckly cheeks.

She took the box out of his hands and asked, "Where do you need these at?"

Flustered by her sudden act, the dark brunette shook his hands in front of her as if it was going to make her change her mind while blabbering that she shouldn't take the blame on his mistake. Domestically, he shut his mouth and even stood straighter when Tori held up a hand signalling him to stop.

"I can tell you're a sweet guy, and I'd feel bad if you got scolded just because someone absent-mindedly forgot to tie their shoelaces." The boy looked down to see that his laces were in fact untied.

"T-They were tied before--!"

"The point is," she cutted him off. "It was a careless mistake. You haven't been here long and they can't get upset at me."

"Noona, it's really fine you don't need to", he refused, taking the box back.

"Noona? Haven't heard that towards me in a while how old are--"

"What's going on here?", A voice piped up behind them. At the end of the corridor the head makeup artist stood there. She saw the broken powders on the ground and gasped.

"Hansung what happened?!", She yelled frantically, scavenging through the box in hopes on finding anything usable. Tori saw how panicked his whole expression was and before the head stylist could start yelling in his face she stepped in.

"I bumped into him", she said. The two of them looked at her surprised. "I took a sharp turn and crashed into him. It's my fault."

"Is that true Hansung?", The older woman faced the boy. He glanced quickly over to Tori and she gave him a look that said 'you better go along with this'.

He silently nodded, and that seemed enough for the head stylist. She turned to Tori. "Be careful next time, these aren't cheap", she warned while waving the broken lid of a compact powder towards the idol. She took the box out of Hansung's hands. "Be at Dressing Room 2 by 2:30 later", she told him before leaving the corridor, leaving the two again.

"You're lucky you have such a menacing gaze", he slouched his shoulders. "I wouldn't have went along."

Tori couldn't help but grin.

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