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"Heeyoung!", Jungkook exclaimed as he walked in on the scene before him.

The 4 year old girl clutched the red crayon in her little hand. Long messy scribbles littered the once light beige wall, the crayon she held hovering centimetres away from doodling more.

Jungkook race-walked forward and pulled the red crayon out of her hand. Still holding her hand, Jungkook sighed at the mess she had done.

"Heeyoung how many times have we told you not to draw on the walls?", Jungkook faced her and asked sternly. The girl's lips were in a small pout, not daring to meet her uncle's furious eyes. Just then, Heeyoung's mother walked in upon hearing the commotion.

"What's going on?", Marin asked as she poked her head into the room, before gasping at the huge colourful markings on the wall. Heeyoung wiggled out of Jungkook's grip and clung on to her mom's leg.

"Your daughter drew on the wall again", Jungkook answered frustratedly. It was going to be a pain to clean up.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Marin bent down and held Heeyoung's shoulders so she'd look at her. "Baby, what did I tell you about drawing on the walls?", Marin asked her in that soft but scolding tone of a mother. Heeyoung didn't answer, so Marin asked her again, pressing each word harder.

"That it's bad...", Heeyoung softly answered, guilt bubbling inside her little tummy.

"Why don't you draw in the books I bought for you, honey? Do you need a bigger place to draw?", Marin tried looking for a reason behind her act. She knows her daughter; Heeyoung's smart and speaks better than most 4 year olds, she wouldn't do this just because.

"The walls were really empty and Heeyoung-ie thought it would look better", her words come out as little babbles. "It's more fun drawing at big places."

Marin nodded her head understandingly. "Well if you wanted to decorate, you could've called Mommy and we could do it together. As for bigger space, we can try look for big whiteboards, how's that sound?" Heeyoung bounced her head excitedly with a big grin. Marin wasn't quite done with her yet.

"Hold it right there. I can't let you off the hook that easily, so no yoghurt snacks for today and tomorrow."

Heeyoung's mouth dropped as her eyes got bigger with devastation. "Ah, Mommy no~", she started to whine but closed her mouth when Marin held up a warning finger. "You can take this yoghurt-less time to think about what you did", the mother told her.

"Noona are you serious?", Jungkook broke the sweet mother-daughter moment. Confused Marin stood up, a hand on the back of her sulking daughter's head.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you letting her off the hook that easily?", He complained. "This is the third time."

"I'm not letting her have yoghurt, that's torture enough. Do you know how much she loves those things?", Marin chuckled. The salty 4 year old lightly punched her mom's thigh upon the mention of her favourite snack.

Jungkook brushed his growing brown hair back. "You're being too soft on her. She'll just rebel again", he told Marin.

"I know my daughter. I gave her a warning last time and now she's facing the consequences", the mother argued.

"I think if you knew your daughter you should know when she wouldn't do this again", Jungkook questioned Marin's knowledge on her daughter and again gestured angrily to the scribbles on the wall.

Marin's eyes widened. "Are you questioning if I know my own daughter? My daughter that I have carried in my stomach for 8 months and raised for 4 years?", She asked in disbelief.

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