.sneak out.

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Suggested by -jenbabe a while back when I was dry for content uhuks check her own 8th member book it's very 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 probably my favourite out of all the other 8th member books I've saved

Waking up the next morning after a two day long fever you'd think I would be fresh and feeling so much better. But alas, that was not the case for me.

I groaned when I woke up, more specifically to the person in my bed next to me. "Wake up, fool", I grabbed my pillow and smacked his head, causing him to stir. Jongin lazily blinked his eyes opened and upon seeing me sat up closed them again and moved closer so he hugged my waist.

"Don't act all cute with me", I pushed him off. At that moment a knock came from my bedroom door that accelerated my heartbeat.

Grabbing my covers I pulled them so they'd cover my still sleeping boyfriend. I stood up and opened the door, making sure that it only showed my face. "Yes?", I asked seeing that it was Jimin.

"Oh you're already up?" His bed hair sticked out in every direction and his face was still puffy.

"Uh yeah, I just came out of the shower", I lied. He continued to tell me that Yoongi and Jin were making breakfast, which reminded me of our schedule-free morning. Nodding I closed the door and just started freaking out.

"Babe, could you freak out a bit quieter?", Jongin mumbled and pushed the covers off of him. He sat up crossed legged and yawned.

 He sat up crossed legged and yawned

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"Quiet down!", I whisper-yelled. "It's the next morning and my members are back. They can't know you're here."

"Why?", He questioned in a cute manner. Damn it why he so cute.

"Because they'll get the wrong idea", I huffed.

"But we've been dating for 3 months, they wouldn't be surprised if we did do it", Jongin was smirking now. I grabbed the closest thing to me, which was Keopi's stuffed toy mouse and threw it at him.

"Save your fantasies for a different time." I ignored his growing grin. "And it's not that, it's the teasing. They get relentless when it comes to it."

"Awww my baby", he finally got out of bed and hugged me, placing a peck on the crown of my head. His scent completely overtook Namjoon's shirt that I stole for him together with Namjoon's shorts to sleep in.

"All the boys are in the living room and kitchen, there's no way I can get you out without being noticed", I grumbled.

"You can just tell them I visited you and stayed the night, there's no harm in that", he differed, furrowing his eyebrows.

"You have a Gucci event later in the afternoon so I can't just lock you up in here until we leave for our schedule", I disregarded him, thinking of another way to get him out.

𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now