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I happily played pattycake with Jungkook as we sat in our little circle surrounded by other idol groups. It was a few minutes till the next sport event so everyone was either sitting in their own group, conversing with other idol friends or having fun with fans.

As we continued to clap our hands together following a repetitive pattern, I couldn't help but notice in the corner of my eye some members of Twice and Gfriend laughing and talking with each other. My eyes pulled away when I realized Jungkook stopped, holding both my hands. He looked over at the two girl groups and back to me and gave me this look.


"Go talk to them", he encouraged with a smile. I chuckled at the sudden statement.

"ISAC is the best place to make new friends. You should go and say hi."

"Who do I look like, Taehyung?", the corner of my lip tugged upward. "Not everyone can just walk up to someone and start a conversation. Besides, I'm happy here." At that moment, we saw Jin pass by chatting with Vixx's Ken. I waved my arm around dramatically to get their attention, which luckily worked.

"We were just talking about you", Ken smiled as he hugged me with one arm. I pulled back with a frown.

"Well that can't be good. What were you talking about?", I joked and turned to Jin who seemed hesitant to reply.

"Nothing bad don't worry. I just expressed how you're friends with a lot of male idols", Ken answered for him.

It was true. Since I am in a group of mostly men, I was naturally surrounded by other male idols during award or comeback shows. Having spent a lot of time with the boys, I talk freely to other boy groups easily as if they're old friends, hence my nickname by the internet, 'oppa catcher'.

"Well what can I do? They all just fall for my charms", I flaunted, a hand to my chest.

"Really? Then use those charms of yours and get some female friends", Jin tutted.

"Oppa~", I started to whine before Ken cut me off.

"Is it weird that I'm worried for you because of that?", He said. The three of us looked at him confused.

"No it's just-- Marin you're such a sweet girl. I don't want the media to assume the worst when they see you hanging out with other male idols", he voiced.

I thought for a moment. "Heechul's friends with a lot of female idols. It's not a problem for him right?", I asked.

Ken scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, I guess you have a point. Sorry. Hope I didn't offend you." I shook my head saying it was fine before a staff called Ken saying he should get back with his group. He waved before jogging away.
"Guys I need the bathroom", I informed the boys as I stood up, straightening my big blue jumper.

"You can make friends there! That's how I normally do it", Taehyung chirped proudly. I shot him a playful glare.

"You know where it is?", Namjoon asked. I nodded. "Alright, try be back soon", he told me, the only one genuinely making sure about our whereabouts.

The bathroom was way further than I thought it was. As I went in, I couldn't help but think back on Ken's worry. It's not like I didn't want to talk to other girl idols, though to me at that point it was like Jungkook trying to talk to girls; shy and awkward. I haven't been exposed to a lot of other girl groups, so that could be the reason to it. On the other hand Yoongi, when finding out later, told me to not stress about it too much. Kind of ironic right now, I thought.

Suddenly, I heard the door open and the sound of moving feet enter the room.

"You guys didn't have to follow me", the first voice said and the sound of a stall opening and locking followed.

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