.what's tasty in jeju?.

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As punishment from their last Run episode, Suga and Marin had to take a dip in the Jeju ocean. Fortunately for them, it was the cold season so they agreed to just stick their hand in the water.

"Honestly I don't really see this as a punishment. I am from here", Marin chuckled at the camera director who was recording. They both quickly walked over and did what they had to do, the water a bit colder than expected.

"Well we did our part. Tune in next time for the next Run episode. Bye~", Yoongi said and we both waved to the camera before the director said cut.

"Ah, I miss Jeju!", I sighed happily letting the cold ocean breeze pass by. I hopped of the rocks back on to the main path. "Let's get something to eat. My treat."

"You don't have to", Yoongi protested, joining me by my side.

But I insisted. Back when we did the challenges, when the director asked if anyone wanted to join Suga in his punishment, I volunteered immediately. It had been almost 2 years since I visited Jeju due to our busy schedule and I just had to take the chance. I was too happy and I wanted to treat Yoongi, our camera director and our manager to breakfast, as we arrived here around 6am.

"It's been so too long since I've been here. I can't even choose what to get", I said. I asked our crew if they were hungry for anything specific but they shook their heads, saying they wanted to let me choose.

"What's tasty in Jeju?", I asked out loud to no one in particular, rubbing my hands together.


My eyes widen as I turned to the voice. Yoongi was casually looking out to the sea like he didn't hear himself. He noticed me staring and raised his eyebrows, staring back at me blankly. "What?"

"How can you say that so casually?", I said and laughed nervously, covering my mouth. It was rare of him to make comments like that; even if he did it would be directed to the boys. It caught me off guard.

"Am I wrong, though?", Yoongi debated in his slight pouty tone he does sometimes. I could catch the slight teasing glint in his eyes.
I even saw the director and manager speechless.

"You're unbelievable", was all I could say back and lightly slapped his upper arm, causing a chuckle from him.
Short ik but idk what else to add woop

Also clearly yes, this was inspired by "what's tasty in Busan"


𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now