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A continuation from "Diet"

I sat crossed-legged on the mini couch, headphones on, laptop in front of me, launchpad and portable mini keyboard next to it and notebook on my lap.

I don't usually write lyrics in other people's studios, but I wanted to feel the company of my boyfriend, even if he was busy doing his own work.

I started to catch a familiar voice from behind my headphones. Taking one side off and looking up, I saw Hoseok look at me with a grin.

"You good, love?", He asked. He must've seen my twisted face of concentration that even I didn't notice until he called for me and I felt the stress on my face muscles.

Chuckling lightly I massaged my eyebrows with my thumb and middle finger. "Ah, yeah. Just thinking of lyrics for this demo."

Taking off his own headphones he got up from his office chair and sat down next to me. He took a look at my notebook filled with scribbles and words. "Looks good so far, need any help?", He asked the last suggestively and kissed the spot behind my ear.

Immediately I leaned back away from him, giving him a look. "Don't even think about it. Everytime we're alone and you offer to help it ends with either one or both of us of half naked."

Hoseok laughed at my frowning face. "Oh, but you like it." Not taking his eyes off of me, he took all my things and placed them carefully on the ground. With the open space in front of me he moved so that he trapped me in his arms. "I think we both need a break anyways."

Rolling my eyes I gave into him and he connected our lips. It was slow and passionate as I felt his tongue swipe across my bottom lip. Shamelessly I moan and slid down so he was properly above me and I let my hands travel up his arms and rest on his shoulders.

When I felt his hands tugging my top up, I pulled away and whined softly. He found amusement from it and gave me an eskimo kiss. His hands roamed my stomach and then stopped. Opening my eyes I saw him look down at my abdomen.

"Since when did you have abs?", Hoseok asked, looking surprised at the prominent muscles. He traced a finger down the crevice and a shiver went up my spine.

"Is this why you've been wearing long shirts nowadays?", He met my eyes with a playful grin.

"Surprise?", I said to him.

He chuckled and went back to admiring my abs. He leaned down and placed kisses all over. A deep hum vibrated in my throat. Hoseok had the tendency to shower my stomach with kisses. At that point I didn't know if it was my kink or his.

"God look at you", Hoseok paused and scanned my whole body. "You're gorgeous. You're so sexy with abs, babe."

My mind lingered at his last sentence. "You're not mad?", I asked him. The look he gave me made it look like I asked something stupid.

"Of course not. Why would I be?", He asked me with furrowed eyebrows. He had positioned himself so that he hugged my waist and rested his head on my stomach.

I shifted a bit so I was sat up. "It's just, you seemed really against me getting rid of my tummy. Really against it", I mumbled the last part as I felt my cheeks go warm remembering how Hoseok had "confessed" to me. He noticed my embarrassed state and laughed.

"Look at me", he told me and I met his eyes that held a loving sweet gaze.

"I love every part of you. Whether you have long or short hair, if you have thick thighs or not, if you have abs or not. I don't care because one: my girl looks good either way and second: it's you. I love your cute tummy that I could squish and pinch, but I also love your sexy abs that I'll be able to leave hickeys all over", he ended with a wink.

I grabbed the pillow behind me and landed a hit on his head. Laughing, Hoseok pulled me down and captured my smiling lips with his.

Short but sweet :)


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