.eid mubarak.

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"See you next time!", Marin gave a friendly high five to the fan as they move on to the next member. They were currently having a fansign in honour of their comeback.

The fan started to chat with Namjoon, and it allowed Marin to focus her attention on her sleeve. She felt like folding it up but her attention suddenly was grabbed my another. The foreign looking fan was still talking to Taehyung, and Marin was in awe by her bright red outfit.

The fan finally shifted to Marin. The idol had the most amazed look on her face and the fan covered her face, embarrassed. The Muslim ARMY wore a bright red headscarf that complemented her dark red top decorated with lace and flowers around the puffed up sleeves. She even had a bedazzled silver leaf crown on top.

"Hello! Oh my gosh you look so pretty!", Marin told her in English as her hands opened her album and flipped to her page. "What's your name?"

"Amalina", the fan giggled out, still flustered from the sudden compliment.

"Amalina? That is so pretty, where are you from?", Marin asked. She had finished signing the album and reached out to held her hands, which the fan happily squeezed back.

"Malaysia", Amalina responded. "I can speak Korean too", she suddenly spoke fluently. Marin gawked.

"You speak so well! Do you study here?", Marin questioned.

"I was an exchange student back in middle school. I loved Korea so much though that I continued learning the language after I went home", the fan smiled. "I even kept close with the Korean family that took me in. I'm visiting them to celebrate Eid."

Marin nodded knowingly. "I've heard of that before. It's a Muslim holiday isn't it?". Amalina nodded as an answer. She further elaborated that Eid Mubarak was to celebrate the end of the fasting month and was a month where you can ask for forgiveness.

"I really love your headband", Marin noted. Amalina's hands went up to touch the delicate silver and thanked her idol. "I thought you would so I got you one too."

Squealing with delight, Marin thanked her as she put it on her head

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Squealing with delight, Marin thanked her as she put it on her head. She asked Taehyung beside her how she looked. He gave a sporting thumbs up.

"I also have", Amalina started and reached down to grab something else. She stood back up straight and placed a clear jar of biscuits. "I also have biscuits."

The idol was fascinated. She's never seen these types of cookies before; they were coloured white and in a flower shape. Marin took a hold of it and took a small whiff of the scent. It was faint but smelled delicious.

"It's my personal favourite Eid biscuit, or kuih in Malay. It's called kuih bangkit", Amalina explained. "This one in particular is cheese flavoured."

"Thank you so much", Marin thanked wholeheartedly. "I'll enjoy them."

Just as they were about to start chatting about another subject, the fan was asked to move. Marin was a little sad, curious to know more about her culture but squeezed her hands and thanked for coming.

"Have a happy Eid Mubarak", Marin wished her. Amalina chuckled.

"In Malaysia, we say Selamat Hari Raya", The red coloured fan noted. Marin attempted to repeat it and was given a small applaud by Amalina.

The staff behind Marin started to reach over to put the jar of biscuits away with their other gifts. Marin caught him and immediately hugged the jar, saying she wanted to keep it.

While Marin waited for the next fan, she got tape off the jar's lid and plopped a biscuit in her mouth. Her eyes widened at the sweet treat that instantly melted in her mouth when she chewed.

She faced the fansites in front of her. She pointed to the jar and then to her chewing cheeks. A thumbs up was raised. "It's good", Marin gawked.

*****Happy Eid Mubarak to my Muslim readers and a personal Selamat Hari Raya to my Malay/Indonesian ones :333 I'm already chilling 🤙 at my hometown in Johor Bahru rn

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Happy Eid Mubarak to my Muslim readers and a personal Selamat Hari Raya to my Malay/Indonesian ones
:333 I'm already chilling 🤙 at my hometown in Johor Bahru rn

And yes that is a pic of me my baju kurung made a cameo in this chapter😂😂 I didn't wanna put my name because that feels too cheesy so I put the name I would use for my future daughter HAHAHAHA
I took that pic in a rush


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