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We were in the middle of touring for our WINGS tour, and on one of the days, it just so happened to be my birthday. Unfortunately because of the concert and the fact that we were going to fly to the next country the next morning, we didn't have any time to celebrate. I didn't mind though, the simple "happy birthday's" I got from friends and some family was enough for me.

I stood on stage in the dark, waiting for my solo song 'Paracosm' to start. Compared to the other boy's solo songs, Paracosm's music was a more celtic-like fairy music with its flutes and piano.

I sang through the mic as I danced the contemporary-ballet style choreography. My brown hair and short white flowy dress spun around me weightlessly. No matter how many times I performed it, it never failed to put me in a floaty happy mood.

Just before the second chorus began, the fans suddenly screamed probably 10 times louder. Unphased, I continued to sing and dance. As the song progressed, the music slowly started to become more twisted. From the start where it was light and happy, it became sort of 'Alice in Wonderland'-ish where it sounded the same but not quite.

I ended the song with me posing with my knees bent and hands clutching my head. The fans applauded like crazy as I waited for the lights to dim. Suddenly, I felt a hand shake my shoulder. Confused, I looked up only to see Taehyung's breathless and sweating face. I stood up straighter shocked to see him there on stage.

Turning around I saw that all the members were there in the positions of where the backup dancers were suppose to be. They grinned and jogged up to me.

"Surprise", Hoseok said with his mic, smiling.

"Wait what's going on?", I laughed still surprised. "Were you guys dancing behind me?", I asked acknowledging the ruffled white shirts and black jeans the backup dancers were suppose to wear.

"Everyone", Namjoon said getting everyone's attention. "I think you know that today is a special day."

"Aah, yeah our sister's birthday", Yoongi replied and the fans cheered more. I couldn't stop my smile from growing. Words weren't able to form. I really had no idea they had this planned.

A familiar tune suddenly played through the music system (is that what they're called? Sorry XD). ARMY started to sing along to the birthday song as a staff came up from the side holding a cake. Overwhelmed, I turned away and cupped my gaping mouth. Hoseok had to turn me around for me to hold the cake. The members too were extremely enthusiastic singing to the birthday song. When the end came near, the staff helped light up the single candle. As everyone applauded, I blew it out.
Another staff had recorded my solo performance and while everyone changed after the concert ended, I decided to watch it.

Everything was normal at first, but at the second prechorus, the backup dancers ran off the stage and the boys went up to their places. No wonder the fans cheered louder, I thought. I was stunned by how well they danced along to the choreography.

"When did you guys practice for this?", I chuckled showing the boys the video.

"A week before I think. The dance is pretty easy", Jimin beamed from his seat. I continued to watch the taken video.

"We thought it'd be a fun surprise since we wanted to cheer you up at the fact that we don't have enough time to celebrate properly", Namjoon said. I smiled at their thoughtfulness.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RINNIE!", Taehyung suddenly yelled dropping a big gift bag on my lap.

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