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Continuation of ".payback." (Taehyung sugar daddy au)

After oPpArs dAebAk show off a Few WEekS ago, I couldn't help bUt grow more fOnd of him

SuddenLy I started fantasizing cUddlIng OppAr🤧🤧🤧 and goiNg on DateS with hIm💞💞 we already do tHat buT heS usuaLly buying me things like gUccI and bAlenCiagA bUt I wAnt tO go on dAtes with him thAt are fULL of sAraNg💕❤️💞💕💞❤️💞💕

Nowadays OppAr has been iGnOriNg mE😭😭😭 whEn I say "AnNyeOng" to him he jUst lOoks and waLks AwaY, likE NANI??!?!?!?!?!! Does tAehyung aPpA nOt cHowA mE anymore???? oTtOkE

JungkookieZ keeps telling me that he's maybe just eXtrA busy but I say "AndwAe!😩😩 He JinjjA doEsnt cHowA mE anyMore kO0kiEz!!!" To make me feel bEtteR tho he and JIn oPpaR taKe me oUt to hAve fun. Taehyung oPpAr has noticed bUt doesnT dO anyThing, he onLy lockS himSelf in his oFfiCe😡😡😪😪

I peeKed mY head in to SeE taEhyunG aPpA's ofFicE to seE him with pAperwork. AiSh! DoEsnt he Do AnythIng eLse bUt wOrk nOwadays?!?!?" I 😡 in my head.

"TAehYung, kOokIe iS gonNa pIck mE uP for sOme eXpensIve spRite", I tOld him.

"HAjimA", I heaRd oPpArs voiCe call Out. He sounded jInjjA uPset😨😨😨

"o-OmO???", I asked. He got up from his desk and pInNed mE aGainSt thE waLl😱😱😱😱😵😵😵

"AnDwaE, yOu cAnt gO", he told me, his voice dEeP and sExy😩😩

I sTarTed gEtting uPset. So nOw he waNts to nOtice mE??¿¿?

"Why n0t!?", I spAt iN hIs fAce. He sUddEnlY gRaBbEd mY fAce anD kIssEd mE!!¡¡! OTTOKE

His kiSs was not lIke tHe oThers😖 it wAs pOssEsivE and hArd. WhEn hE pUllEd awAy, he Looked into mY deep bRown Eyes™

"I sArang You, Marin. I've been aVoiDing you becAuse I knEw its agAinst thE rulE but fUck", he exclaimed. "YoUre just tOo dAeback😩"

I wAs sh00k. OpPar sAraNged mE 2!?

BeFore I CouLd resPond, hE got dOwn on one knee and pUllEd out a rIng💍!!¡¡!!🤪

"MaRrY mE jUsey0, Marin", he hEld my hAnd. His eYes weRe filLed wIth sAraNg.

"oH tAehyunG oPpAr", I said. "I sAraNg yOu too! nE! I Will mArry You!"

And then we had sex.

Sorry it's so rushed but🤧🤧 I just lOve to feed you guys so I wrote this real quick I hope y'all enjoyed 💋💞

On another note, while I was going to write another serious chapter, it said that this book was eligible for a wATTY AWARD :00000 So I submitted this book under Fanfiction!

I seriously never thought this book could even,,,, thanks so much guys❣️ idk how the winner is chosen but regardless I'm so honoured

Who would've thought a book with content like this would be worthy of an award AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

On another note, I saw one of y'all refer to me as ur "uNniE". I shall be referred to as either 'author', 'ali' or 'akak/kak' alrighty no take backs

I'm not mad lmao I just idk saying I'm ur unnie feels koreaboo ish but that's ok don't feel bad if ur one of them we learn🤙🤙🤙


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