
17K 344 15

Marin was done with her Fake Love hair and makeup and sat at the couch where a staff started recording her for a Bangtan Bomb.

"I like this concept. I get to show off my sexy and serious side", Marin posed in her spot to show off said 'sexy and serious side'. Behind the staff a bit far back she caught Taehyung and Jungkook laughing about something the other must have said. The younger was still getting his hair styled while Taehyung looked all done. Jungkook said something again and it caused the older one to scrunch his whole face with a grin. Taehyung bent down and platonically kissed his cheek.

Marin huffed. "V oppa and Jungkookie are really affectionate and loving towards each other. I'll admit I'm a little jealous", she commented.

"Eh? Why are you jealous of us?", Taehyung who apparently heard asked surprised. Jungkook's stylist had just done the finishing touch to his quiff and let him off. Jungkook got up and stood next to V. "What's up?"

"Rinnie is jealous of us two", the older one explained and Marin was covering her face with a cushion out of embarrassment as the two men sat on either side of her on the couch.

"Forget it forget it!", Marin flushed. The two only laughed in amusement.

"Does noona want kisses too?", Jungkook urged cutely while pushing the cushion out of her face. Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other and nodded at their plan they both seemed to have agreed on telepathically.




Simultaneously, Taekook both leaned in and planted a quick peck on Marin's cheeks. Marin squealed as she stood up and ran out of there. Jungkook and Taehyung fell on to each other dying of laughter while Marin, still red-faced, glared from behind Yoongi who was still getting his makeup done.

I wrote this all in one go while waiting for boarding. Inspired by a post of Yoongi saying Taekook kiss each other hoho

Heading back from Bandung 🤟🤟🤟 back to all the homework I have yet to finish :''')


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