.on stage.

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Marin had that similar charm to Jimin which was have people fall for her instantly. Her sweet personality followed by her beautiful face was loved by all, even some antis couldn't help but admit she does look pretty.

BTS stood behind the three MCs during the ending ment of the KBS Song Festival. Hani from EXID was one of the two MCs.

As one of the male MCs had a "conversation" with the other male MC, Marin who was behind Hani on her left nodded her head up to take a peek at her cue cards, making a silly face. Hani looked to her left and in the corner of her eye saw her hoobae sneaking a glance. Noticing she was caught, Marin tilted her head back down and smiled innocently.

Fond of her, Hani grinned and reached over to pinch her cheek. Marin flushed at the sudden action while Taehyung who was closest to her saw and laughed. Hani chuckled at her reaction, quietly calling her "Cute" before reading her line. The interaction was of course caught on camera and it trended for 2 days on Twitter.

 The interaction was of course caught on camera and it trended for 2 days on Twitter

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army bomb

Jin was known for his obnoxious behaviour on stage during concerts. When he has an ARMY bomb, it increases a whole 100%.

The camera caught Jin violently waving his light stick around in the air, causing fans to laugh and cheer. Marin caught him on the big screen and bent down out of laughter. She didn't even notice Jimin who was walking in front of her abruptly duck at something and moved to the side. Finally looking ahead she was met with the sudden fast impact of a white plastic globe against her temple. It wasn't super hard, but it caught her off guard so she wasn't expecting how hard it actually was.

Jin's faced morphed from a heavily concentrated scrunch to a surprised blinking jump scare. Spinning around he saw his little sister covering her temple, shaking her head still shocked from the sudden hit. Immediately Jin held her closer and checked if she was okay. Even if he was laughing on stage, he was actually super worried that he might've caused a bruise.

Taehyung who was in the middle of approaching them jogged closer and tried to take a look. Jokingly he pushed Jin away and tended to Marin himself.

Laughing, Marin shook her head saying she was fine and walked up to cling on to Jin while throwing her head back, laughing even more. Sure there were the solo Marin stans who bashed Jin for "hUrTinG tHeIr uNnIe", but the Twitter feed was mostly just filled with jokes that Jin gave her a concussion.

 Sure there were the solo Marin stans who bashed Jin for "hUrTinG tHeIr uNnIe", but the Twitter feed was mostly just filled with jokes that Jin gave her a concussion

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round and around

It was during another concert, though unfortunately the maknae injured himself and was forced to sit on a chair. He was upset at himself at first, but after some TLC from his members and fans, he was able to enjoy the rest of the show. Of course his group mates didn't allow him to feel excluded from the performances and did everything they could to make sure he felt like his injured foot wasn't holding him down.

Marin danced and bounced around to the beat of "Boyz With Fun". Jungkook used his good foot to spin around a bit in his chair and from behind Marin skipped towards him and started acting like a goof.

Jungkook was oblivious that the camera had panned to him with a dancing Marin bouncing left and right behind him. Fans started screaming and laughing and curious Jungkook turned around to see what was currently playing on the big screen.

Marin was quick enough to dodge his gaze but was still visible to the cameraman so when Jungkook saw his noona playing around him, he spun his chair to try catch her. She was quicker though, and kept jumping left and right to avoid his gaze. ARMY screamed while the game of catch got more intense. Marin may have cheated and ducked when Jungkook was close to getting her.

Having enough (and finally getting dizzy), the maknae stood up and whipped his head around, finally spotting her properly. Marin crouched down laughing at him after getting caught while Jungkook triumphantly sat back down, knowing he had won this game.

Marin laughed harder when she saw him shake his head, most probably due to the dizziness. Marin tried saying sorry but Jungkook turned away. Clutching on to him weakly due to the laughing Marin swung one of her legs over his lap and just fell over his chest. She couldn't even sing her lines properly as she kept cutting herself off with her laughter. Jungkook held his hand out to the small of her back and pulled her closer to properly sit on his lap so she wouldn't fall. He stared amused at his noona's uncontrollable fit.

*****Uh idk what to say here (wow that's a first lmao) uhh hi 👋💋

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Uh idk what to say here (wow that's a first lmao) uhh hi 👋💋


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