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I may be getting a tad bit attached to Heeyoung's AU series here ssjsksm

"Marin please, you need to step out", Yoongi worried. I stayed stationary on the couch, numb as I ate another forkful of my fruit salad. It would've been a whole tub of ice cream but the 2 month old fetus growing in me forced me to eat smarter.

"I do step out", I argued emotionlessly.

"The apartment's open garden doesn't count", he crossed his arm. He took a seat next to me with a furrow on his eyebrows. "I'm sorry, but you can't continue to mope in this place. It isn't healthy."

"Are you talking about me or the baby?", I rolled my eyes away from him. Since figuring out I was pregnant I've gotten more sensitive. He lightly placed his hand on my belly.

"I'm talking about the both of you", he said. I met his eyes and they were soft. I sighed and laid back, the bowl of fruit on my lap.

"Even if I wanted to, how could I? Dispatch nowadays are on our tails more. What if they catch this?", I stopped and placed my hand over Yoongi's who's own was still on my stomach. "And if not them then what about fans? I've been on hiatus as far as the public knows. They'll come up to me and want to ask questions."

"I get you're worried, but don't be. It's not even that obvious", he rubbed my small bump. "Hey, I have a free afternoon. I'll accompany you."

"Didn't you say you were going to work on your mini album?", I asked as he got up to grab his jacket. He brushed it off saying he'll do it later and that I'm "priority right now."

"Come on, I know you want to go out too", he insisted while holding out my coat. I stared at it and him warily.

"We should call the company first. I'm suppose to lay low anywa--"

"They don't have to know", he cut me off. My eyes widened at his statement. Sure we've gotten older and a bit more rebellious with our company but they were rather strict about me getting pregnant and being in the public eye.


"I'll take the blame. Now come on Marin", he held the coat closer. Putting more thought into it, I accepted his invitation and went to change into better clothing.
Yoongi watched as I practically frolicked down the road of the mini market place. Despite being a big and luxurious apartment complex, the size of the open garden would never compare to the Seoul streets. Even though it was mostly my choice to isolate myself, it felt so refreshing to step out and just run around.

"Oppa, I'm hungry", I ran to his side and clinged on to his arm. He looked down at me amused.

"Never underestimating the hunger of a pregnant woman ever again. You just had a whole kebab less than 10 minutes ago", he shook his head chuckling.

I panicked and lightly tugged his arm. "Watch your mouth! Someone could be watching or listening", I warned and looked around the place.

"Love, the reason we came out here was so you could de-stress. Now relax and choose one", Yoongi stopped in front of a food stall filled with eomuk and gimbap.

"Actually I'm craving for crab. I remember a stall closer to the sea side", I grinned. Nodding he got some odeng for himself. We reached the seafood stall, got my crab and additional boba tea and sat on the little wall facing the sea and ate our food.

"Thanks for taking me out here", I told him. "I'd probably be binging Ghibli movies right now if it weren't for you."

"Just say I'll be the superior soon-to-be uncle and we'll be good", he playfully said and I bumped my shoulder with his. We continued to eat our street food in comforting silence, the only noise being the waves of the ocean and the occasional laughing people down by the beach.

"Suga oppa?"

Our heads shot up to a female around her early 20s. She wore a face mask and padded jacket. A bit far behind her was who I assumed her friend. Noticing how she suddenly got stunned I then spotted the BTS logo on her phone case.

"Oh my god hi! I'm a fan and just-- my friend pointed you out and I just had to make sure", she said a bit fast due to being excited. Confirming it was us, her friend came forward beside her. Subconsciously I tugged my sweater so it was looser at my stomach.

Yoongi was calm and happily chatted with the fans a bit, but I stood frozen. The exact thing that I had been worrying about since we left the dorm was happening and too many thoughts were swarming my head.

"Marin unnie, you still look so pretty and I miss you! How have you been?", The friend asked sweetly but I only responded with a wide eyed panicked expression. Feeling my heart beat quicken and the thick choking lump in my throat, I harshly and shakily grabbed Yoongi's forearm, signalling him. Looking over he and I both knew I was getting an anxiety attack.

"Unnie? Are you okay?", The first fan noticed but I stayed silent. Yoongi quickly made an excuse saying that I must've ate something bad and said bye to the girls while guiding me behind a small shop, sitting me down and squatting in front of me.

"It's okay, Rin. Breath slowly. They're gone now it's just us", he soothed me and I was starting to calm down. I felt small tears sting the corners of my eyes and through my blurry sight I see hurt written on Yoongi's face.

"Please don't cry. I'm sorry", he started to apologize but I shook my head.

"Can we go home?", I asked barely above a whisper. With no hesitation he nodded, holding my hand and side by side walking back.

"I'm not upset at you, you know", I told Yoongi after some silence. "I just panicked, that's all. None of it's your fault."

"I know", I heard him reply. "You never got to finish your crab since it got cold. Want some ice cream?"

I beamed. "Yes please."

*****owo hi so first week of school, well really just three days and I've never felt so busy yet productive in my life lmao

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owo hi so first week of school, well really just three days and I've never felt so busy yet productive in my life lmao

Hopefully your first day(s) were not too bad. If you're overwhelmed with homework, what I like to do is imagine myself in a third person view being an aesthetic productive Tumblr girl. Idk if that makes sense but it works for me eheheheh hope that helps?

Another tip do your homework/studying for an hour, take a 5 minute break then repeat. My teacher says it's more effective than pulling a whole 5 hour streak ok baii❣️🤟


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