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These past few days, I couldn't help but notice Jungkook's behaviour towards me.

Before, he was always relaxed when I was around. He knows I'm a really affectionate person so he's never really cared if I wrapped my arm around his shoulder or playfully kissed him on the cheek. He'd smile and on some occasions return the affection.

But now, he'd give me a cold shoulder when I was around. He would get up if I sat down next to him, and tense up if I even as much touch his hand. I tried to ask him if anything was wrong, but he'd just say I was delusional.

Our director told us to stand together for our Tear 'Y' version jacket shoot, and it was clear that Jungkook looked hesitant to comply. Seemingly giving himself a mental pep talk, he nodded and got up next to me.

We posed differently for a few minutes before the photographer called 'cut' and called for the next duo. I turned over to him and smiled.

"Good job, Kook--." Before I could even finish my sentence, he half-heartedly gave me a nod before walking back to the stylists.
"Jungkook, look here quickly", Jin called for the maknae on my right, wanting to take a photo with his film camera. The stubborn boy though looked the other way, causing Jin to start calling for him like a child; using baby words and all, which then sparked the other members (and myself) to join in. We all cheered happily when Jungkook finally looked our way.

I noticed the hem of Jungkook's shirt slipping slightly, causing his collarbone to be exposed. Being the tease that I am, I let my finger trace over it, making him jump. I didn't have any time to laugh at his reaction as the look on his face was anything but amusement.

"Noona can you stop it?", He snapped. My face dropped and I was too stunned to say anything. The chatter behind me died down and I knew the rest of the boys were watching from behind. Jungkook noticed and dropped his gaze to his lap, playing with his fingers.

"Uh, Marin, try move to the middle? In between Namjoon and Jimin", our director seemed to read the atmosphere and used the excuse of moving me to 'balance us out'. I nodded before quickly getting up and plopping myself down in between my members. Jin gave me a look and I just gave an uncertain one back.
As I opened the door, I saw Jimin on his bed with his phone and Hobi on his with his laptop with half his headphones on. I knocked, getting their attention.

"Can I talk to you guys?", I asked them.

"Uh, sure", Jimin replied and I dropped myself on the end of his bed.

"Something wrong, duckie?", Hoseok asked me, headphones off and giving me his full attention.

I sighed heavily. "Okay. Between the whole group, you two are the closest with Jungkook", I stated.

"I guess? Why?", Jimin asked.

"Is...is Jungkook mad at me by any chance?", I questioned them.

"What makes you think that?" Hoseok looked concerned. I fidgeted in my spot.

"He-- he's just been acting so uncomfortable with me! It's like I can't even breath the same air with him. I get next to him, he moves away. I so much touch him, he tenses up. Did I do something wrong?", I looked at the boys desperately. They both look at each other with this knowing look and suddenly started to whine.

"Is this how he's dealing with it?"

"He's 21, why is he acting like a middle schooler?"

"He is going to get a beating from me."

"What?", I spoke up when they seem to forget I was in the room. They again looked at each other with the knowing gaze which at this point started to agitate me.

𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now