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I giggled quietly at a random video of cats from my Instagram feed. I had wanted to get a cat since as long as I could remember. When I was young my family had a dog and I did loved him but as I grew older I leaned more to furry felines.

Taehyung who was braiding my hair (your's truly had taught him) peeked over my shoulder to see what the fuss was about.

"At this point you should just get one", he teased, tying the tip of the braid with a small rubber band.

"You know I'd love to, but I'm scared I wouldn't have enough time to care for it. We're getting more and more busy nowadays", I pouted.

"Well," Taehyung started. "That's not stopping me from getting a puppy."

I spun around quickly, my hair tugging a bit as he had gathered more hair to do another braid. "You're getting a puppy?"

"A friend of mine knows this breeder. She showed me some pictures of the puppies and I knew I had to get one. I'm about 90% sure on getting one", he said.

"Think about it, if you get a cat, then we can get our pets at the same time and they'd bond easier. Imagine them playing together", the blond haired cooed and images of a little kitten and an energetic puppy jumping on to one another popped in my head and I couldn't help but coo as well.

"It's either I'm easy to convince or you know little animals playing with each other are my weakness", I scrunched my nose at him and dialled our manager to ask if I could get the pet.
After I got the 'okay' from Manager Sejin, I went to work on what breed of cat I wanted. It was a hard choice but I settled on a Ragdoll kitten because of how affectionate they are and how they get along with other pets as well. Luckily I found a breeder from Japan on Instagram and contacted them straight away. They said they would be able to fly them over in a month and now I was arriving at the airport with Taehyung who was eager to meet the kitten as well.

"Oh oh that's her!", I gestured to a woman who was holding a small carrier. I pulled my face mask down so she could recognize me and jogged over to her.

"Is this her?", I asked excitedly, Taehyung and our manager following behind. The lady nodded and opened the cage door, taking out a small white kitten with dark brown painted at every tip of it's body, eyes a beautiful sapphire hue. I squealed excitingly and took the little one out of her hands. Taehyung crouched down next to me to enjoy the kitten as well.

The breeder then went over some basic information and paper work. I had already payed through credit so we parted ways, after me and Taehyung signed a paper for her who was apparently a fan.

"So what are you going to name her?", He asked when we got into the van.

"Keopi", I smiled. "The brown parts remind me of coffee."

"Cute", he replied and wiggled his finger through the carrier's cage hole so Keopi could play.
A few days later, Taehyung and I came back with his fluffy little puppy Yeontan. We were a bit nervous to introduce him to Keopi but with how quickly she adapted to the other members we thought she'd be fine.

I knew Jimin was hogging my kitten in his room so we placed Yeontan down in the living room so he could get use to his new home. I read this tip on the internet that I should let Tannie sniff one of Keopi's toys so that he'd get use to her scent. I did so and Yeontan seemed to react calmly.

When we were convinced he'd be okay, I took my Ragdoll from my member and placed them together in the room. They acted unsure and a bit defensive at first but after they played together they were like best friends. That evening when all the members were back we all played together with the new additions to the family.

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