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A/N: Taehyung and Marin are together in this
After a long full packed day, we finally were allowed to go back home. The rap line of course went back to the studio instead to work on our next album even though I had asked them to come back and rest at least, but they were persistent. Stepping out of my half hour long shower I slipped myself into an old graphic T-shirt and knee length PUMA shorts while pushing my hair back with a headband. I dried my hair while heading to the kitchen, wanting to get my boba tea that I hadn't finished. Who I saw sitting in the living room surprised me.

"Oh, you're back already?", I asked Taehyung. He was sitting on the couch watching Jungkook in front of him playing our VCR game. He turned over to me and smiled.

"Yeah, there was no traffic so I got here earlier than expected", he said. I walked over and leaned down to peck his lips.

"How was it?", I asked him about his Hwarang press conference as I walked over to the fridge and got my drink. I took a seat next to him.

"It was good. I think I stole all the paparazzi's hearts. They were just dying over my cuteness." I chuckled as Jungkook faked gagged.

"Were you gonna put a face mask on?", Taehyung asked noticing my headband.

"I planned to since you said you were coming home late but since you're here now, it can wait till tomorrow", I smiled.

"Oh noona, tell hyung about earlier", Jungkook said and took another swipe at his game. Taehyung's head perked up and his eyebrows jumped in curiosity.

"Ah, right. Oppa, before we came back home Jungkook was craving boba tea so we went to this new store that opened and the worker there was my old classmate."

"He was noona's ex-crush", the maknae added and I shot a look at his back.

"Hey what's with that look?", Taehyung poked my arm. I rubbed it with a pout.

"Didn't think it was important to mention he's was my ex-crush. I'm dating you anyways right?"

He nodded. "Yeah. But tell me about this guy, I'm curious."

I fiddled with my fingers. "Well, he was a new student so I didn't think much of it. Later on I found out he played guitar and that's when the crush started. I told a group of friends and they just so happened to be friends with him so they became like my spy. Eventually I found out he liked me back and then he found out about me and yeah", I told.

"He was surprisingly handsome. Noona had good taste", Jungkook decided to add again. For a second it looked like something inside of Taehyung clicked but I shrugged it off.

"But I'm obviously more handsome right?", He turned to me with a cute pout. I chuckled and pinched his cheeks.

"Of course. You're the number 1 most handsome face ever", I complemented.

"Thinking back on it, we were so cringy with each other", I reminisced and scrunched my nose. "We used pick up lines on each other and I'd try to wait for him after school so I could walk with him to his bus."

"You said you called each other 'babe' right?", Jungkook asked.

"Oh yeah, we did jokingly", I giggled.

"How do you call someone 'babe' jokingly?", Taehyung suddenly said with a slight annoyance in his tone. Looking over he was facing away from me, his hands fiddling on his lap. I couldn't help but smirk.

"Oppa, why are you jealous? It all happened in the past", I stated. I leaned over more so I could see at least his side profile.

"I'm not jealous", he tutted. I nodded, playing along.

"That statement you made kind of hinted it", I said.

"Come on, you were the one who wanted to know more." He glanced over at me before leaning back on the couch.

"Hey, he means nothing to me now. If it makes you feel better, he told me he's engaged." He still showed some attitude, even though I saw his ears turn a light shade of red.

"Kim Taehyung, you're better than any crush I've ever had", I declared and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Damn right." I barely had any time to process that he grabbed my left thigh and lifted my leg over so I swung on to his lap. I was bug-eyed as my hands naturally found its way behind his neck.

"And you're all mine", he growled before pulling me down to capture my lips with his. He pulled off my headband to run his fingers through my hair as I melted into the kiss and responded. I felt a moan trying to escape so I pulled away. Not satisfied, Taehyung grabbed the back of my head and pulled me back, biting my bottom lip.

"Jungkook's here", I whispered breathlessly when I pulled away again. He ignored me and kissed me down my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"He's playing his game." His voice was deep and hoarse that I wanted to take off my pants then and there. "Besides", he said and kissed my lips again. "It's not like he hasn't heard us before."

"And oh how I wished I didn't", Jungkook suddenly added and then whined about the game being difficult. I grunted before standing up and taking Taehyung's hand, dragging him to my room.

"You can go across the house but I'll still be able to hear you!"

"Shut up!"

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