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"Hey guys wanna see the pics from earlier?", I asked the boys.

Everyone settled down beside and behind me on the couch as I took out my phone to look through the pictures from today. The whole day was spent recording the 'Wonder' video and I had recorded and took many pictures.

All surrounding me, I clicked on my camera and start to scroll through. Loud laughs were exchanged. Sometimes I'd pause for the boys to admire the picture further or to explain what they were doing to justify the weird thing they were doing in the picture.

"Why'd you take a picture of me doing that?", Hoseok playfully yelled at me as we stopped at a picture of him with a weird face and pose. The other men were dying laughing. I only shrugged while laughing with them.

"Oh yeah I stole her phone through these next set of pictures", Jimin spoke up as transitioning photos were scrolled through of Jungkook and Yoongi, followed by blurry pictures of Jimin running away from me.

At this point I was only holding my phone as Jungkook who was on my right scrolled through the rest of the spam of videos and photos. I was dizzy and a bit high from all the smiling and laughter. The next few pictures were group selfies of all of us together in the pick up truck and on the roof wearing our bright clothes. Taehyung commented that I should post one of them later when the video releases.

I was in such a daze that I hadn't even notice the long set of pictures from the recordings were finished and that they were scrolling deeper into my camera. It took me a whole second to process what Jungkook's finger had scrolled to next.

"Oh--" He had no time to finish the statement, as I shrieked while clutching my phone to my chest

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"Oh--" He had no time to finish the statement, as I shrieked while clutching my phone to my chest. I had jumped off the couch and spun around to face the boys who all had shocked expressions.

"You did not see that", I said flatly, face frozen with terror. My male group members--my brothers--just witnessed a picture of me practically nude.

"Everyone delete that from your thoughts", Hoseok went and held his temples with his fingers like to erase it from his memory.

"Was that a picture of you Marin...?", Namjoon asked still stupefied. My mind was literally buffering, so I didn't say anything. My face and ears were no doubt a stark red.

"Are you seeing someone?", Jin spoke up now sounding concerned. My jaw dropped at the assumption.

"What-- no, no! I'm not seeing anyone!", I quickly responded.

"Then why did you--"

"What, I can't take pictures of my hot bod?", I crossed my arms, getting a little defensive. I remember the day that I took the mirror selfie. I was sleeping over at a friend's place and was changing in the bathroom. I thought I looked good so I took a picture. There was no plan of showing it to anyone.

My eyes shifted to the poor youngest one who was scratching his shaved sideburns. "I'm sorry you had to see that, Kook", I cringed. "All of you", I added and met all of their eyes. My dignity had just disintegrated.

"All right all right we can stop fussing about it", Yoongi shook his hands to calm us down. He walked around the couch and lazily hooked his arm around my shoulders. "If she wants to take pictures of herself, then respect it. We do it all the time, don't we? Honestly if I had her face and figure I'd do the same", he simply commented and I slapped his arm with a gaping mouth.

"Can I make a comment?", Taehyung suddenly rose his hand a bit like a preschooler wanting to answer a question. My eyebrows furrowed at why he felt the need to ask, but allowed him to.


"You looked good", his boxy smile grew shyly. I squinted at him.

"You couldn't even see my face. If you want to say I have a sexy body then just say so", I replied nonchalantly with an added little hair flip.

"Don't feel embarrassed, angel. We all know how I take undressed Polaroids of myself", Jin's shoulders bounced as he chuckled. "We've all taken a shirtless selfie at one point in our lives."

"As long as you aren't sharing that picture with anyone else", Yoongi adviced.

"Of course. It's only for us to see", Jimin teased with a wink. I stepped forward to give him a warning punch. He guffawed, sinking into the couch.

I have like 5 other chapter prompts but sigh so little time😔😔😔😔 maybe if I just didn't procrastinate today-- so how about I give the options on what you want to read sooner next and I'll get started on that :D we have the choices:

• fairy au

• break pt.2 ;)))

• spiderkook once again sigh

modelXdirector au

• april fools

This chapter was honestly a last second idea I just really wanted to post something (◔ ◔) I miss you guyss💋💋💋


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