.surprise guest.

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Requested by Fukuhara_Aiko

Note because I personally really feel like I need to exPlen: I am not a wannable so I apologize if their characteristics and mannerisms is not accurate :/ all my info was just based off kpopprofile.com and that one video where Daehwi lost his shit during that PD101 ghost prank

Summary: wanna oneXmarin interaction

Seongwu, Daehwi, Kuanlin, Woojin and Sungwoon of Wanna One were at the upper private floor of a chic café. The main dancer of the group had logged into their Vlive account to start streaming a live.

It began, and fans were pleasantly happy to see their favourite face of the group. Seongwu waited a few minutes for more fans to log in, Kuanlin jumping into shot and waving happily every now and then.

"I won't be surprised if there isn't a lot of you guys because I expect you all to be in school or at work", Seongwu said to the camera.

"Once they get the notification, they'll log in regardless", the eldest of the bunch commented from his bean bag. The camera panned from the eldest to the two other friends sitting side by side. When they noticed the live they waved.

Eventually the drinks that they ordered arrived and they propped Seongwu's phone which was used to stream in front of them. They said hi, engaged with the fans watching, and answered questions.

"How was SMA?", Woojin who sat closest read out a comment.

"It was amazing. We got to watch and be up close with so many idols", Seongwu said in awe. He started to list down his favourite performances, including their senior group BTS. Just the mention of the name had all the other boys nodding in agreement.

"Wah, sometimes I forget that Sungwoon hyung is friends with Jimin sunbaenim", Seongwu chuckled. "You're so lucky~", The youngest cooed.

"I got to meet him backstage for a quick second", Sungwoon said. "It was very brief but he gave me a thumbs up."

"I met a senior idol too", Woojin spoke up. The others didn't know about this. They asked him who.

Woojin smirked triumphly. "Marin sunbaenim."

"You did not meet her", Seongwu stated doubtfully. Everyone else laughed while Woojin whined.

"I did!", He exclaimed. "Well, we made eye contact when I was coming back from the bathroom but--!" Woojin didn't get to finish his sentence as Daehwi laughed in his face. "It counts! Can you proudly say your idol noticed you?"

"If it makes you feel better", Daehwi dismissed him. "Remember when Marin sunbaenim like", Daehwi re-enacted Marin's move from BTS's stage where she was looking to her left, and then faced the camera with a smirk, her shoulder popping up. ",did that?" Daehwi fell backwards on his chair with a gasp. "I tell you, I thought my heart exploded."

"Anything Marin sunbaenim does makes your heart explode", Kuanlin stated. The other three members laughed, knowing it was true. Daehwi's celebrity crush was no secret, even Kuanlin and Woojin admire Marin's talent and beauty. It was just that Daehwi admired it more.

The Wanna One members moved on from the topic. They were so emersed in their laughing from a joke told that they didn't hear footsteps slowly becoming louder from the staircase. Seongwu was the first to notice, and was confused for a second because they didn't order anything else. The head that emerged caused the dancer's jaw to drop.

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