.fan attack.

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Our schedule had been hectic when promoting our new album Young Forever, but finally we were given a 10 day break. Some of the boys went back to their family while some just caught up on sleep at the dorm. I went ahead and took a flight to Japan to visit my cousin who lived there. The company picked me up from the airport and it wasn't really surprising that a lot of fans were there. They started to get close so my manager had his arm around me and guided me out.

A lot of them were screaming my name in deafening tones but I kept my head down trying to fight through the hectic crowd. The fans were much closer than usual, almost making me claustrophobic. One fan grabbed a bit of my loose hair, tugging my head back. My manager swatted the person away and ducked me under his arm, the screams louder and the crowd even closer than before.

I was scared. My sunglasses and mask was able to hide it luckily. I tried to control my breathing, not wanting my anxiety to build up and burst. Just as I thought the hair grab and the slight contact people made with my bare arms were terrifying enough, someone had grabbed my arm in a tight hold.

"You aren't a part of Bangtan! Just leave now no one wants you!", I made out a scream. My manager noticed my sudden hault and helped me get out of the fans grip. After some tugs, she finally let go, but left her mark. As her hand was starting to slip, she dug her nails into my skin, so as I pulled away it left a predator like scratch. I glanced and saw some red but not wanting cameras to capture it, I draped my coat that I was holding over it to cover it.

We finally reached the exit of the airport and we ran to the van and I slipped in without any more struggle. My manager ran around and sat at the front passenger seat and we drove away from the commotion.

"Are you okay?", He asked breathlessly. I peeked under my coat and hissed silently at the mark the crazy fan had left. Three red scars ran down my forearm; it wasn't bleeding, but it stung in it's bright crimson colour. What was those nails made of, damn.

"Yeah, I'm fine", I lied and tucked my injured arm back under my coat. Even though BTS had been pretty successful after I Need U and me joining the group, there was still the hate because of me. I didn't want to add up to the stress. The manager nodded and turned back to the front, probably texting Bang PD-nim about what happened.
I stepped into our big shared dorm, slipping on my coat to cover the scars in case anyone was at home. As I walked down the hall to my room, Jungkook's room door was slightly ajar. Taking a peek, it wasn't surprising that he was at the computer, headphones in, playing Overwatch. Smiling I knock on the door, making him turn.

"Oh noona, you're back already?", He said pausing his game and taking off his headphones. Leaving my suitcase, I let myself in and hug the younger one. "How was Japan?"

"It was good", I said. "Are the rest at home? It's quiet here", I asked.

"Ah, Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi hyung are at their studios at the company, V and Jin hyung are out with their friends and Jimin's at home actually sleeping in", he told me nodding his head to Jimin and Hoseok's shared room across the hall.

"Sleeping in? It's almost 11", I replied slack-jawed. The dark brunet shrugged.

"Well at least I can wake him up", I told him. "Well I'll go see him and then just be in my room if you need me."

I knocked on the door across from Jungkook's room and surprisingly heard a 'come in'. Jimin was awake, sitting up in his bed with his phone in his hands. It seemed he had only woken up a few minutes ago as his hair was all over the place. He looked up and smile. "Aah, my yeodongsaeng has come home", he said warmly. I sit beside his bed and wrapped my arms around him quickly.

"Just woke up?"

"Yeah. I heard the door and then you and Jungkookie talking."

I sighed. "I leave for a few days and you're already being lazy and sleeping in? Aww you need me so much", I teased him to which he replied by lightly smacked my arm, luckily not at the injured part. We both laughed.

"How was your trip back? Was there a lot of ARMYs?", The raven haired asked. Subconsciously my hand went over my right arm lightly grazing it. I faked a smile and nodded.

"Now get your butt up and be productive. I need to unpack", I said and left his room to go to mine.

I checked my wound again after closing the door. We didn't have any of those wrap bandages and using multiple small plasters would be weird, so I settled on wetting some tissues and draping them over my arm. It stung like a bitch but the cold water soothed it. I sat still on my bed with my arm and just used my phone, waiting for the redness to at least cool down.

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