.royals (pt.2).

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The carriage ride was peaceful, aside from the occasional bumps along the road. I had actually slept most of the way as Gwangsan was an hour and a half away. Mother kept pestering me to stop eating the snacks provided in the carriage, saying she didn't want my cheeks to fatten up. Crossing my arms I gazed out the window. There was going to be food at the ball anyways, why stop me now?

"Mother, this ball gown is heavy", I frowned, trying to find a comfortable position to sit without ruining the crystals on the dress. It was still shocking how much detail the tailors were able to put despite being given strict time.

 It was still shocking how much detail the tailors were able to put despite being given strict time

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"You're a princess. You should be use to it", she replied, looking through work papers and documents she had brought to work on the way.

"Yes, but this gown is ginormous", I leaned back on to my seat with a grunt. I couldn't even do that well with my hair up in a bun.

"My daughter will be the bell of the ball", Mother argued.

Father who sat next to her smiled warmly at me. "You look lovely, dear". I smiled back towards him. I was always a bit of a daddy's girl.


"Princess Marin of Kang Ju."

Eyes turned at the mention of my name. The kings and queens were at a special lounge which overlooked the ball below. I slowly descended down the staircase, poker-faced as other prince and princesses stared.

A few hellos and waves were exchanged as I walked around the ballroom. It was an odd feelings seeing the room packed with so many people of high status. This was the same ballroom that me and Seokjin used to drag each other across the marble room in just our socks.

My nose caught on to an aromatic smell. Following it to the right side of the room, I was pleasantly happy to see a food table with flowing milk and white chocolate fountains. Making my way over, ( which was easy since my dress was that big and people backed up) colourful treats greeted me.

Strawberries, cakes, jellies and tarts. My mouth watered at the sight. I took a plate and was ready to take one of everything, until my eyes caught on to the tower of macarons.

I take about 5. With Kang Ju being popularly known for its desserts, you'd think I actually eat a lot of it. 2 months after the whole Yoongi fiasco, Mother made me go on a bit of a diet to make me look like an eligible bachelorette. I hated it, but I had to listen to her. It had been a while since I've been able to treat myself.

I plopped one into my mouth, and was hit with a wave of nostalgia. I was actually taken aback. I knew this taste, I knew it all too well. And I knew Seokjin did too.

I didn't notice I was on my 6th macaron until the herald announced Seokjin's arrival. The doors opened and there he was, standing in his glory. Princesses around me swooned and giggled about the attractive prince. As Seokjin descended down from the stairs, everyone bowed, including myself.

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