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It was the final concert for our WINGS tour and as sad as I was, I knew it would be kept in my head as good memories. The millions of fans we met overseas and the challenges we faced, it would all be worth it.

It had reached the halftime and we all scurried down backstage to change and cool down. Because I'm a girl, I go to a separate empty room to change. I was use to it, so I told the stylist they could just wait outside. I locked the door and took off my jacket and black T-shirt. I paced around the room a bit while cooling myself off with my small electric fan.

"Marin, they need us over at the boys. Come over when you're done okay?", The staff said outside and I replied with a 'yes'.

"Ah, this is probably the sweatiest I've ever been", I tsked at myself and took a small hand towel to soak up the sweat.

Suddenly, I hear the door of the room click and open. A male staff I remember seeing during rehearsal stepped in and closed the door behind him. I panicked inside as I was shirtless with just a bra and jeans on but I tried to stay calm.

"Sir you need to go", I said keeping my voice as still as possible. The way his eyes scanned me had me urging to punch him in the face.

"Such a nice healthy young body", he whispered and licked his lips. My heart beat increased when I heard the door lock. One step at a time he came closer and closer. I couldn't get my shirt to cover me up as it was too close to where he was standing.

"Please leave", I said a bit louder but he only smirked. The cold wall met my bare back, sending a shiver down my spine. There was no where for me to go. I was cornered.

"Stay back", I ordered with some force in my tone but it seemed to only make him come closer and closer.

"I said STAY BACK!", I finally yelled. Fear and panic flashed through his eyes for a moment but he covered it up quickly. I continued to shout things like "stay back" and "get away", hoping someone would hear from outside. It was starting to look hopeless though as the creep was now at least 2 steps away from me.

But I didn't back down. I yelled like a madwoman wishing he'd at least realize it was useless and run, but what I didn't expect him to do next was to grab my shoulders and knee me hard in the stomach.

My shouts now were strangled but I continued to call for help. Noticing that I wasn't going to shut up, he kneed me in the stomach again and again. I tried to get him off but it only resulted in another kick. At that point I was just screaming at the top of my lungs.

Where the heck is everyone?

As if the angels heard my call, I saw a staff running into the room. They ran in and tried to pry the pervert off me as I heard another staff call for security. The man was finally dragged away, and I slid down on to the ground, clutching my throbbing stomach. A stylist ran and knelt down next to me asking if I was okay. I couldn't reply; coughs and a weak nod only seemed to answer for me.

Through my blurry teary vision, I was able to make out Jungkook's figure by the door. He turned to a staff member and asked what happened. Luckily, my stylist had the hoodie I was suppose to change into and helped me slip it on. Jungkook finally noticed me and ran over, hands going to my shoulders.

"Noona, are you okay?" My heart swelled hearing the concern in his voice. One by one each member came into the room, wearing the same worried expression.

"I'm fine", I said in a hoarse voice from all the screaming before. "How much more time do we have? We should start heading up."

"No, you're heading to the medics to get checked", the stylist argued and was helping me out of the door. The boys were clueless as ever, and I wanted so badly to tell them what was happening but I was swarmed by staff checking on my well being.
"Where's the bastard?", Yoongi growled, his Daegu dialect slipping out. We all sat in the lounge as I explained what happened. Throughout the rest of the concert I would subconsciously rub my hand over my bandaged stomach. I knew the fans noticed the member's worried looks at me as they were only briefly told what happened. Only after the concert ended did we all sit down so I could explain in detail.

"He was escorted out by security and brought to the closest police station. Me and PD-nim will have a meeting tomorrow about pressing charges", our manager told. He looked over to me, "Marin, how are you?"

"Like I said I'm fine. A bit shaken up still but I'm okay. Though I think I'll loose my voice tomorrow", I chuckled causing me to wince at the pain from my lower abdomen. Immediately Jimin took the ice pack from my hand and patted it around lightly.

"Get plenty of rest and keep an ice pack on that", our manager advised and I nodded. The van arrived to take us home so we stepped in with me sat in between Jin and Taehyung.

"We're so sorry", Taehyung said breaking the silence.

"No, their's nothing for you -- for any of you -- to be sorry for", I said and looked around at all of them. They all looked sulky.

"This will never happen again", I heard Jimin say through gritted teeth.

"And I'm sure it won't. Not when I have all of you protecting me", I turned and smiled.

When we reached the dorm we ordered takeout from my favorite restaurant. The boys finally were lively and joked around to distract me from the pain.

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