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A bit of a fast forward continuation from my "Sasaeng" series

Light rain droplets started to stain the window of the car door and the road outside was filling up with cars. I sat up straighter when my car stopped completely.

"Traffic?", I asked my driver and my heart dropped at how heavy the jam was. "How long is the delay?"

"I'm guessing 20 minutes. Sorry Marin", the uncle said sympathetically. Nodding, I fell back with a heavy sigh. Pulling out my phone I texted my sister about the traffic and how I was going to be more late than I already was.

The rain was now pouring. Great complement for my sour mood, thanks Mother Nature. I rested my head next to my arm as I gaze at the falling water, reminiscing back to about an hour ago.
"Okay are we good? Because I really need to go now", I stressed as I grabbed my jacket and jogged out the BigHit meeting room. I should've been on the highway right about now on my way to my eldest brother's wedding but we were called for a meeting last minute as it was something we couldn't delay.

"Wait wait wait Marin", Jin called. "You're leaving now?"

"Yes I think I made that clear. I'm late oppa", I pleaded, skipping nervously on the spot. I was the maid of honour and I could not be late.

"Okay okay just let me get my jacket and--"

"Oppa I can't wait for you I have to go now. You're coming later with the boys anyways", I told him and frantically checked the time.

"Do you have someone with you? Get Sejin hyungnim to accompany you", Jin said.

"It's my brother's wedding I am not going to bring my manager with me. My mom hates the idol show-biz enough", I groaned.

"Well someone has to go--"

"Oh for crying out loud I AM LATE. Our driver is waiting outside for me right now and you're stalling me!"

"I'm 23 oppa, I'm not some child who needs an adult everywhere I go. It was sweet the first few times of how much you looked out for me but right now I'm stressed and sick of it!", I complained into his face. He wanted to say something back, probably scold me about not respecting my elders but I was running down the hall before he could open his mouth.
I cringed at the way I acted. I couldn't blame him for why he acted the way he did. Since the sasaeng incident 2 years ago he's always been protective of me. If I was going somewhere, he'd go with me. If not him then he'd make our manager or staff. I've tolerated it for this long but because of the stress I just let it all out. On one hand I knew I shouldn't have acted out, on the other it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I only hoped he didn't give me a stink eye later at the wedding.
Finally I reached the hotel where the ceremony was to take place. My little sister Mina was standing in the lobby where she'd bring me up to Sunghee unnie's room to get my hair and makeup done.

"Mom's gonna be pissed", Mina told me.

"When is she not pissed at me?", I rolled my eyes as she opened the hotel room. Makeup products and brushes covered the table's surfaces as makeup artists were tending to the other bridesmaids. One of the first people I made eye contact with immediately scowled.

"You're late", My mom said. Her makeup was done beautifully and her chocolate hair was up in a fancy bun pinned with flowers, according to the weddings theme. "Did you run off to another photoshoot?"

"Mom I told you she was stuck in traffic", Mina defended me. Mom wasn't convinced, "You should've came earlier", she paused and turned her body towards Mina. "I don't see why Sunghee chose her instead of you to be the maid of honour when your sister here can't even make it on time", she sneered, eyes never leaving me.

I sighed. "I did have a last second meeting. It went longer than expected", I told her calmly. It seemed she didn't want to waste any more of her energy on me as she only clicked her tongue.

"MARIN-AH", An all too familiar voice yelled my name. Looking over my mom shoulder I grinned widely as my future sister-in-law came jogging towards me. I gave her a big hug, careful not to mess up her hair.

"I'm so sorry I'm late", I apologized.

"It's fine, you're the number one worldwide K-pop artist right now. You must be very busy these days", Sunghee reassured me. I disagreed saying my title shouldn't be used as an excuse for being late but she still said it was fine. I handed her her wedding gift before I was pushed down on to a chair to have my hair and makeup done.
The ceremony went smoothly and everyone moved to a bigger ballroom for the reception. The bride and groom were walking around talking to relatives and I myself was catching up with a cousin.

"Rinnie!", I heard a voice behind me. Taehyung waved to me as he and the others arrived wearing smart fitted suits.

"Hey guys!", I greeted. My cousin excused herself so I could welcome them. "Glad you made it. You're gonna perform a little something soon, right?"

"Yeah but enough about us, you look amazing, Duckie", Hoseok complemented. I wore a long purple chiffon dress with my hair styled half up and decorated with flowers as the theme was floral ivory and purple.

"You look like a goddess", Namjoon added and I blushed

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"You look like a goddess", Namjoon added and I blushed. Just then my other cousin who was MCing the event tapped the mic, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Oh looks like we gotta get seated. Are you gonna perform right now?", Jimin asked and I nodded. I waved them goodbye before running to the stage.

My parents and Sunghee's parents made quick heartfelt speeches about taking the next step in life and giving them advice like always listen to your wife as she's always right. Sunghee let out a little holler when it was mentioned, causing the entire hall to erupt in laughter. When they were done they announced me next and I stepped on stage, guitar in hand and sat down on a stool that was brought up for me.

"I'll make this quick because I'm sure you'd rather eat the food right now", I said in the mic and everyone laughed. "Hyunseong oppa, Sunghee unnie, congratulations on your marriage. Take care of each other well and make sure I have beautiful niece and or nephews." Everyone laughed again. Positioning the guitar on my lap I said one last time in the mic before starting, "I dedicate this song to the newlyweds."

(Imagine it in Korean)

I wanted to write everything in one chapter but thinking about how much more I plan on writing it's just too much (also cuz I'm loosing the writing spirit lmao) so this will be part one of


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