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Continuation from my "Alone" chapter

"Hi Heeyoung-ah", Taehyung softly said to my daughter, who only responded by burying her face into my neck. I never got to visit the maknae line in the military after I found out I was pregnant and this was the first time they were meeting Heeyoung in the flesh since they've just been discharged after 24 months of service. I had picked them up and brought them back to the company where they met the other members and Heeyoung who was being babysitted by our same label hoobae boy group.

"Do you remember who this is, baby?", I asked Heeyoung.

"Ice cream uncle", she giggled. Taehyung barely got his reply out before laughing at her adorable answer. Seeing it as a sign that these new men were okay, she continued and pointed out Jungkook and Jimin by saying, "And that's Chocolate uncle and that's Cotton candy uncle!"

"Why does she call us that?", Jimin asked after sobering up from laughing and softly caressed her full cheeks.

"I was showing her photos of you guys so she'd recognize you. Jimin oppa's baby pink hair caught her attention, Taehyung oppa's hair during Idol reminded Heeyoung of Neapolitan ice cream and since a lot of Jungkookie's hair colours were brown, she saw you as chocolate", I explained. "It's her way of remembering your faces."

"That is too cute", Jungkook giggled.

"Let's go home now, shall we?", I turned to Heeyoung who screeched in excitement.
We arrived back at our dorm where the boys unpacked their things and freshened up. Heeyoung was running around their things with her bottle hanging from her mouth, now more open and playful with the boys. They of course were delighted.

"Heeyoung-ie, aren't you tired?", Jimin asked her while drying his hair from his quick shower. Shaking her head she cutely said no.

"Then would you like to go out with me and the other uncles?", He asked then looked up to face me. "Ugh, I feel so old calling myself that", he told me with a titter.

"Because you are, you're 30", I rolled my eyes. "Also who said you could take her out it's her naptime soon."

"Heeyoung-ie don't want night night", the 3 year old girl refused while climbing on to the couch.

"Oh is that so?", I said back in her same sassy tone.

"I'm not tired", she replied and mirrored my crossed arms, huffing her chest out for extra measures.

"Well that's what your bottle is for love; to make you sleepy so I can put you down for night night." Learning the new information she dropped said bottle and bolted into Taehyung's room. I sighed and picked up her dripping baby bottle and placed it on the counter.

"See, she said so herself. C'mon, we'll be able to bond with her and tire her out. She'll be asleep once we get back", Jimin persuaded me. I gave him a look and was met with his pouty eyes. How he was able to still look cute despite being in his early 30s surprised me too.

"Don't you guys want to rest?", I asked him, starting to consider his proposal.

"Just meeting Heeyoung has us all energised. Pretty please, Marinnie?"

"Pleaaseee?", I jumped when I heard Jungkook and Taehyung who was carrying Heeyoung in the hallway plead in sync. Grumbling under my breath I muttered out a "fine" and they all cheered as if Korea won gold in the Olympics.
"Sooo cute~", Jungkook cooed probably for the 10th time in the past hour at Heeyoung toddling. After we agreed on going to Myeongdong, Heeyoung wanted to wear her fuzzy bear onesie that was recently gifted to her by Namjoon. We were held back for 10 minutes by the boys who wouldn't stop taking pictures of her.

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