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MarinXJin moments ;))



Another Run BTS episode recording meant another team challenge. The game required duos. After a random draw of folded papers, Marin and Jin were a team.

"Please pick your team names so we can begin", the director asked. The idol group openly pondered for their names.

"Beautiful", Jin confidently said to the camera, knowing the two most attractive people were in a duo; a force to be reckon with.

"Why not just mash our names together?", Marin laughed. Jin considered the idea.

"To what? MarJin? Oh wait--", Jin stopped after saying the funny team name while Marin was already bursting with laughter.

"MarJin? It sounds like margarine", the female stated. "Let's use that." Jin was still against the idea but succumbed for Marin's enjoyment.

With the power of the condiment named duo, they won the game. They showed much affection and bonded a lot in that episode, and so the fans referred to them as 'marjerin' from then on.

 They showed much affection and bonded a lot in that episode, and so the fans referred to them as 'marjerin' from then on

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The aromatic smell of food filled Marin's nose as the group was recording for BTS Festa. With only having to eat and answer questions, it was the most laid-back she'd felt in a while.

"Tell what type of fashion you're into nowadays and rate the outfit you're wearing today", Jin read the question written on the piece of paper. Hearing the word 'outfit' Marin's fingers fiddled with her skirt.

"I'm the only 10 here while everyone else is an 8", Jin suddenly stated after a bit of a debate with the other members. Marin couldn't help but perk her head towards the statement.

"Even me, oppa?", She asked. As innocent as her tone was, Marin knew the little pedestal Jin puts her on. It's expected of him to favour her just slightly more than the other members.

"Show off your outfit and we'll see", Jin went. Being humble, Marin allowed the other guys to go first, as she was at the end in between Jimin and Jungkook.

Personally she thought all of them was a 10. Their fashion reflects their personality, something that Marin can't help but appreciate and admire. Jin gave Taehyung a 9, which honestly surprised her. Even if it was mostly an inside joke, Marin liked the special attention she receives from the eldest.

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