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A thin layer of ice and snow covered the ground due to last nights snow. The boys wanted to play outside so we pulled up by an open parking lot and everyone except Namjoon and Yoongi got off. I was going to stay with them but Hoseok kept pestering me to join and I gave in.

Everyone ran around trying to dodge and throw snowballs back and fourth. I had successfully hit Jimin and Jin at one point and now I was just standing by the side as Jimin started recording.

"Aren't your hands cold?", I asked him worriedly as he gathered more snow.

"Incredibly", Jimin huffed and threw it at Hoseok's direction but missed. I had to run away with Jimin as the elder one was aiming for one of us. Unfortunately it hit me on the hip.

"You are so gonna get it", I glared at him while forming a ball of snow in my hands. With not much problem I threw it and it landed right on to his side.

"Jeon Jungkook is coming, oooh", I heard Hoseok said and in the corner of my eye I see Jungkook stalking towards us. I felt my shoulders being grabbed and my body pulled forward.

"Yah, what are you doing?!"

Jungkook noticed and laughed at Jimin using me as a human shield.

"You wouldn't hurt your noona, Jeon. I know you", Jimin said over my shoulder. Determination burned in the maknae's eyes and he lowered his body facing us. I was standing in between an intense stand-off.

Out of nowhere a snowball suddenly made hard contact with Jungkook's shoulder. Looking over Jin was laughing maniacally behind a pole. Having a new target, Jungkook abandoned us, allowing me to break out of Jimin's hold and throw a snowball at him. And the snowball fight continued. Ice flew left and right in the air as our hands become more and more cold.

With a handful, I search for a close target. I heard someone behind me and I turned to hit them. Barely acknowledging who I had hit, he swiftly moved to the side and something cold and hard made contact with my face.

The impact caught me so off guard that it caused me to slip on the snow under me. A loud "oof" left my lips as I landed on my butt.
"I'm so so sorry!", Jungkook kept apologizing while rubbing a hot pack on my frozen right cheek. Apparently Jungkook was aiming for Taehyung who had stopped behind me. Just as he launched, Taehyung dodged it and it was delivered to me instead. Square in the face. We were currently driving back to our company and Jungkook and Taehyung grabbed every hot pack in the car in attempt to warm me up.

"Guys I'm fine", I chuckled while blowing my runny nose. I couldn't tell if my nose was numb from the cold or from the hit.

"Hyung was the one who moved!"

"You're the one that threw it inhumanly hard!" Back and fourth they bickered.

"Yah, Jungkook threw a rock sized one on my back but I'm not seeing anyone massaging my shoulders", Jin complained watching us.

"Hyung, she's delicate and soft", Taehyung said and pinched my cheek.

I leaned back away from him. "I could beat your ass if I tried."

"Only because I'd allow you to", he replied fondly.

*****I would've done a new years theme but I couldn't find any prompts about it so another snow related one oof

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I would've done a new years theme but I couldn't find any prompts about it so another snow related one oof

Short and kinda suck-y but I wanted to write something for the new year wooo

Let's all hope 2019 is nicer to us compared to this year

Let's get it ya 🤟🤟🤟

I might write another continuation for the Heeyoung series, (ye that's what I'm calling it) that or continue the wedding one uhuks


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