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Alternative title: break pt.2

"Bonjour Philip, comment tu vas ? Je vais bien aussi merci, que fais tu en ce moment ? Ah dis à Chloé que je lui dis bonjour alors. Ce que je fais maintenant ? Et bien pour être honn-- honnê-- hon, nê-- I'm sorry."

"Cut." The director took off his cap and brushed back his hair. All the staff started to move around on set. With a frustrated huff, I dropped down onto the couch chair behind me.

"We'll take a lunch break and Marin, you can keep practicing on those lines", the director patted my shoulder reassuringly before leaving the set to the lunch room. My manager came forward and gave me my script and blanket to cover my bare legs.

"You alright, Miss Kim Dasom?", My co-star Hyungsik asked, moving closer on his couch as his stylist touched up his hair. It was an inside joke of ours that we call each other by our character's names. I could only give him a weak smile.

"Aah! Why does my character have to speak French?", I exclaimed in a whiny tone

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"Aah! Why does my character have to speak French?", I exclaimed in a whiny tone. Our French interpreter came on to the set and asked if I was having any more problems.

"You were already pronouncing honnête correctly, why did you stop yourself?", She asked. I only answered with a pout.

"You know how much of a perfectionist she is Miss Bee", Hyungsik spoke up and I nodded to myself. If Kim Dasom was written to have lived and spoke in France for 4 years, I was going to make sure she sounded like it.

Hyungsik took my script from my hands and read the French text I'm suppose to memorize. "How do you pronounce this?", He pointed at a word to Bee.

"Sool-le (saoulé)", our interpreter responded. Hyungsik tried to follow her pronunciation, pouting his lips out and elongating the word.

"It's so easy, I should be the one speaking French", the actor playfully boasted. Laughter bubbled out of me. We had been recording this drama for almost 2 months now, and since Taehyung was already close friends with Hyungsik, it was easy for me and him to bond.

We faced each other and attempted to pronounce the French word correctly, puckering our lips which would break into a huge smile as we laughed. We were so caught up in our own world we didn't notice the two group members entering the set.

"Hyungnim!", Taehyung's voice called out. Trailing behind him was our tall leader Namjoon, hands in his pockets. Hyungsik stood up and hugged his dongsaeng as I sat down and watched.

"I'm here too you know", I called as they started small talk. "Taehyung oppa doesn't care about me anymore", I fake sulked. In a chuckling fit, Taehyung bent down to hug me lightly.

"You saw the drink truck I sent, right?", Taehyung grinned and I nodded happily. Since it was the middle of summer, Taehyung had sent a milkshake truck to our set to cheer us on. I was no doubt the happiest person when I saw it roll down our parking lot, as mango milkshakes were my absolute favourite.

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