.memorable quotes by marin.

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Just some famous lines by our princess:
(English words are in italics)

• "Do you know how hard it is living with seven attractive men? It's honestly ruins my self-esteem because they're so much more prettier than me!"

• "Quack quack"

• "Some people commented negative things as if I showed my cleavage like jokes on you; I don't have any!"

• "He may be teasing me now, but after we finish this shoot he'll be saying 'Noona, I'm sorry I'm sorry'"

• "1X1 is 2!.....Wait"

• *question: suggest one thing that your fans should try doing once*

"Sleep naked"

B-boying legend

• Me? Oh I'm fine I'm great I am radiating extravagant I've never felt better
Might add more in the future


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