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OoOoooOOoooOo Christmas special ;D

"2, 3. Bang, Tan! Hello we're BTS", we all simultaneously greeted the camera that was recording us live on the V app.

"It's Christmas!", I cheered loudly.

"Well Christmas Eve", Jimin corrected me. "We haven't done a Christmas VLive in a while. When was the last time?"

"2016. Wah, that felt so long ago", Namjoon said. "Well we're back and this time doing something a bit different from the last time we did this."

"We're doing a Secret Santa!", Hoseok announced and we all clapped as if we were in a variety show.

"Yes a few days ago we shuffled our names and chose one at random to determine who we'll give our present to. So none of us know who our Secret Santa is, until today!" I held up a medium sized folded paper from my lap, and everyone else copied my action. Jin counted to three, and we all opened up our papers. I didn't really care about the rest, my main focus was to find my name.

"Oh, Jungkookie", I paused, looking at his slip. "We're each others Secret Santas!", I laughed and showed him my slip that had his name printed on.

Namjoon who was sat in the middle gestured to Hoseok on his far right. "So now that we know who each of our Secret Santas are, Hoseok why don't you go first?"

Hoseok was Namjoon's Santa and he got him a limited edition KAWS figurine. Jimin was next and got Jin an expensive watch. To make up for Yeontan peeing on his beanie, Taehyung got Yoongi a new Gucci beanie.

"Alright Jungkookie, you're Marin's Secret Santa. What did you get her?", Yoongi asked him. With a shy smile Jungkook went around the table in front of us and handed me a medium sized box.

"Chocolate?? Jungkook-ah you're worth like 9 billion won ($8 million dollars) and you only get her chocolate?", Jin scolded him. "It's not even a Christmas edition!"

"No no oppa it's okay", I laughed at him. "I like this chocolate so it's fine." Truthfully I was a bit underwhelmed compared to what I got him and what the others got for each other, but I genuinely did like the chocolate and eating so who am I to complain?

Later Namjoon and Jin gave their gifts to who they were assigned to and it was soon my turn.

"I feel a bit silly now", I laughed nervously while walking around the table to get my gift for Jungkook. I handed him a small purple Tupperware that was decorated with a little bow on top.

"Oh it's warm", Jungkook said when he picked it up and opened it. His whole expression changed to shock in less than a second and I couldn't help the wide grin that was growing.

"How-- how did you get this?", Jungkook asked speechlessly, showing the camera the ssiat hotteok inside. The rest of the boys were just as shocked. "They only sell these in Busan."

"I remembered a while ago that you came into my room saying that you were homesick and that there isn't any good hotteok places around so I got you both."

"Ah noona-- I feel bad now with my bad gift", Jungkook pouted making everyone including me laugh. "Thank you."

"Are you crying?!", I exclaimed surprised when I see his eyes sparkling with tears. The other boys notice and start to tease him around. I had to calm them down and I placed my hand on Jungkook's. "It's nothing much, don't think too much about it", I smiled and sat down.

The next half hour was just us talking about the holidays, coming schedules and goofing around as usual. Our staff who was holding the camera mouthed that it would be a good time to end the VLive, so we did.

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