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Coffee shop AU where barista Yoongi serves college student Marin her usual everyday (au suggested by cloudsanddolphins)

[Third person view]
The dark brown haired student stepped into the cozy cafè, her cold skin from the autumn winds outside immediately being engulfed in the warmth. She closed her eyes for a moment to savour the feeling before opening them again. It was a Tuesday and only a pair of friends by the high seats and a middle aged business looking man on one of the couch chairs filled most of the space. Her eyes then trailed to the counter, where a familiar pair of dark monolid eyes greeted her.

"You're late, Marin", the male barista Yoongi told her with a playful grin when she walked closer. She comes so often that at that point the raven haired man remembered the exact time she comes in.

The student looked down at her phone then back up to him with a scrunched nose. "By 3 minutes."

"Still, you broke your streak of coming in at 9:30 exactly", Yoongi shrugged and Marin couldn't help but be amused by how precise he was.

"Usual?", He asked. Marin grinned cheekily.

"Actually, I'll have a mocha, extra chocolate", she said. Yoongi always knew what she was going to order, probably because she always ordered the same thing. This time though, she wanted to have him wrong for once.

His eyebrows jumped in amusement. "Mocha? Not hot chocolate? Have you finally become an adult?"

"I am in my second year of college thank you very much", Marin told, her nose held high.

"You sure? Last time you got a latte but ended up getting a hot chocolate anyways. My latte art; put to waste", Yoongi sighed the last part dramatically. Marin was still keen on getting the coffee drink. The barista could only smirk before telling her to sit down and wait for her order to come.
"Oh, is that on the house?", Marin asked about the extra cup Yoongi brought to her table with an excited grin.

"In your dreams. It's for me and I'm on my break", Yoongi answered as he took a seat across from her.

"Awh really? While I have work?", Marin said gesturing to her laptop in front of her with a dissapointed tone. Believe it or not, it wasn't everyday that the two get to have these conversations with each other. It was either the shop was too busy or Marin ordered to-go. They both don't know, but the other would use any chance they get to speak to the other for more than a "hi" and a "thank you". The pale man though said it was fine and that they could just talk while she did her needed assignment, even offering to help if he could.

That's when she noticed the sweet smell in front of her. Not her own drink though, but the cup that belonged to Yoongi. She knew immediately that it was hot chocolate and her mouth watered. She looked up at Yoongi and saw that he was casually scrolling through his phone.

She tried to distract herself with her laptop, but her eyes kept trailing back to the cup across from her. The more she smelt it the more she could tell that it was made with milk chocolate instead of usual dark chocolate. Oh how she wanted to just grab it and claim it hers but she knew it was Yoongi's.

"Aren't you going to drink it?", Marin finally asked. Yoongi looked up.

"It's a bit hot. I want it to cool down", he replied and went back to his device. Marin stared intensely at the drink, the chocoholic inside of her yelling on why she decided to order a mocha. Sure she ordered it with extra chocolate, but there still would be a clear difference.

She wasn't quick enough to peel her eyes away as Yoongi looked up and saw the way she eyed his drink. He let out a laugh that had Marin flustered.

"You want it?", He asked, gesturing to the drink. Her eyes widened.

"What--Oh, no I--", The student rambled. Yoongi smiled while swapping their drinks. "It's fine," he assured.

Marin's eyes sparkled as she took a hold of the hot chocolate and took a sip, humming at the sweet warm taste. If you were to pass by them at that moment, the love in Yoongi's eyes would be seen so clearly. The truth is, he knew very well that her heart desired hot chocolate even if she said otherwise. He purposely made the hot chocolate so that Marin would take it instead.

"It's fine if you order that everyday, y'know", The raven haired told her when he noticed the defeated look in her eyes. "It's easier to make anyways." Marin grinned.
For the rest of Yoongi's half hour break, the two talked back and fourth about anything that was brought up at random. He even helped her a bit on her essay assignment; thinking of words and phrases to use which Marin was very thankful for.

As the barista talked about a past incident with one of his co-workers, she couldn't help but scan him. He played with his black hair for once, the tips of it being curled lightly, giving his round pale face some volume. The sleeves to his white button up were rolled up to his elbows, which Marin couldn't help but think was hot. He had his arms crossed as he leaned back on the couch, a leg was propped on to his other. At that moment she really took in how good he looked.

What she didn't know was a while ago Yoongi did the same. It was when Marin was really focused in a sentence that she had her whole face scrunched together in concentration. Her tongue stuck out as well which normally he'd think was weird but on her, it was adorable. Her dark brown hair cascaded down her oversized grey top which she playfully grinned at him when he pointed out how she was trying to fit the autumn theme.

"Oh no, I have to go", Marin informed when she noticed the time on her laptop. She had afternoon classes in an hour. Yoongi of course knew that and would be dissapointed every time. He truly did enjoy her company.

"Yeah, my shift starts now anyways", Yoongi stated looking at the wall clock.

Marin smiled and took the opportunity to ask, "So my favorite barista will be by the counter?" The older one's heart couldn't help the light flutter it felt as he got up to get his apron that he kept out back while she packed up her things.

Apron and name tag on, Yoongi went ahead and asked, "Would you like a cupcake to-go, miss?"

He knows her just too damn well, Marin thought. She nodded as Yoongi packed it up in a small box and placed it in a little paper bag.

"This is on the house. Courtesy of your handsome barista", Yoongi said with a flirty voice. Marin whined and tried to pay him, as he's done this multiple times before and she worries he might loose his job. In the end he stayed persistent so she dropped the money into the tip jar. They waved goodbye as she stepped out of the cafè.

As Marin walked towards her campus, she looked inside her bag to see the little message Yoongi would always write everytime she ordered a to-go:

Counting down the minutes till I get to see you again
I had the whole night but my motivation decided that 11-ish was a good time to pop out of nowhere to write this

Go ahead comment and stuff I like reading comments it makes me feel good ya know


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