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Okay, my limit is 11:30.

That's what I told myself hours ago. It was almost 2 am and I was still reading the fantasy romance novel I had purchased recently. When I'd want to put it down, a dramatic scene would come next and I'd had to know what happens. From a courter way into to the book I was already halfway through the 437 paged book. I am a disappointment.

Suddenly, I heard my room door open. Thinking it was one of the boys who was busting me for staying up late I jumped, my heart accelerated. Instead of a ready-to-scold-me Hoseok, it was a tired Jungkook. He seemed to just have woken up, his brown hair poking all over the place.

"You're still up?", his husky voice asked. He rubbed his eyes tiredly.

"Don't tell the boys", I whispered to him, clutching my book closer to my chest with a grin. Smiling, he nodded.

"Do you need anything?", I asked him, curious on why he was at my doorstep so late at night.

His face suddenly dropped. He let himself in, closing the door behind him and without question he walked over to my bedside and laid next to me, arms looping around my waist. Stunned, I marked my page and placed the book on my bedside desk, returning the maknae's cuddles.

"What's wrong?" He had this sad aura radiating off of him that I was starting to feel as well. There were times where he'd suddenly hug me; normally times where he was upset about something. But for it to be in the middle of the night, it had to be serious.

"I've just had thoughts", he replied.

"What thoughts?"

"I was reading comments about the Rainism performance we did not too long ago," he started and I knew right off the bat that it wasn't gonna be anything good. "People said stuff about how I'm always taking the centre, grabbing the attention away from the hyungs."

"You know that's not true. It wasn't your choice to become centre for the Rainism performance."

"I know I know but still", he said. "The last comment made me think. Hyungs worked so hard to be here. I've seen comments about how Jin hyung doesn't get a lot of lines and it's true, he doesn't. I'm always getting them. It's unfair. Now the lights on me and not on them when it should be only on them. I just feel terrible noona", Jungkook finally finished his rant and I could feel his back tremble. I pulled him closer and give him a reassuring hug.

"Kook-ah, you know Jin oppa doesn't mind not getting a lot of lines. Don't feel guilty about that", I told him.

"You're the main vocalist, of course you get a lot of the lines. It's your job. Clearly those netizens need an education. And what if you're getting attention? That's good. That time you were on Masked Singer and Celeb Bros, you bring BTS's name with you."

"Most importantly, you shouldn't care about what they say. They just make stuff up with what they see only. They don't know the truth. They don't know how considerate and caring and sweet you are towards your members. And if somehow after this whole pep talk you still feel insecure do not hesitate to tell me because believe me I will write a 5 page essay about it", I finally finished and expected a reply, but I didn't.

"Jungkook-ah?", I wiggled him slightly and I heard a stir.

"Yah, were you asleep the whole time?", I scolded which he replied with a low chuckle.

"No, you giving advice is just soothing to listen to." I could feel his smile against my chest. He pulled himself closer so his head was on my shoulder. "Can I sleep here tonight noona?"

"Alright but you're staying above the blanket. If you're cold there's one in my closet", I told him. He got up to quickly got my green blanket from the closet and jumped back on to the bed where I turned off my bedside lamp to finally go to bed. I scooted closer so my head rested on his bicep. Kookie didn't hesitate to rest his other arm over my waist lazily and tucked my head under his chin.



I'd upload a third chapter but it's almost 1 am and I need to sleep soz lol

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