.bad boy.

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The sound of bone cracking and blood being spat out echoed inside the wide cement room. No matter how much the mafia leader ordered his guy to torture the man, he wouldn't give him the information he wanted. His stubbornness was admirable, Yoongi gave him that. Being on the other end of it though, it was extremely aggravating.

"You're really testing my patience, Yi", the mafia boss chuckled dryly. His second in command Jimin dropped the bloody bat he was holding and stepped aside to allow Yoongi to come closer. Slamming his pale veiny hands on the table that separated him and their captive, he stared him straight in the eye. "Keep this going and I'll reconsider shooting that bullet down your throat."

Through his cuts and bruises, Yi forced a smile on his face. "You can torture me all you want, but I have valuable information. So in the end, you'll still keep me alive", he grinned. Annoyed, Yoongi grabbed the back of his head and slammed it hard on to the metal table in front of him, hearing the satisfying sound of his nose cracking. Yi groaned out in pain, but said nothing more.

"So what now, boss?", Jimin crossed his arms. Yoongi massaged his eyebrows. He's usually a very patient person but today he just wasn't in the mood. Having been gone for two weeks due to a mission, he was exhausted and wanted this over with.

"Bring out the iron rods. Maybe he'll start talking once we shove one up his--" Yoongi's words were interrupted when the sound of the door creaked open. A small head poked out from behind the big metal door, eyes wide and mouth in a little pout.

"Is this bad timing..?", Marin slowly asked, looking back and fourth between the very beat up guy tied to a chair and the boys. While she was worried about walking in on the wrong moment again, Yoongi's heart softened.

"Do what you want with him, I'll be right back", Yoongi whispered to Jimin before walking over to his heart and soul. He held his hand out towards Marin and she took it, stepping into the room. A soft kiss was planted on top, a gesture that had become a force of habit to Yoongi. No matter how long he's been doing it it never failed to leave a light blush on Marin's cheeks.

"Do you need something, dear?", Yoongi's voice was gentle and sweet, a complete 180° from the heartless and crude mafia leader he was a few seconds ago.

Marin pouted. "You've been gone for two weeks and that's what you tell me first?"

Yoongi chuckled. "I've missed you, darling." Satisfied with her answer, Marin leaned up and placed a sweet kiss on his doll-like lips. His cold heart warmed in an instant.

"I heard you got back two hours ago but you weren't home", Marin frowned, holding his neck fondly as his hands trailed down to her waist.

"I'm sorry, love. As you can see I've been busy." Peeking over his shoulder Marin saw Jimin forcing the bloodied man's head into a big container of water, holding him down despite the man struggling. She was too used to seeing their torture methods at this point to be affected.

"He knows something you want?" Yoongi nodded. Marin's lips pursed.

"Maybe I can give him a go?", She asked with sparkles in her eyes. Yoongi couldn't help but laugh under his breath. Marin smacked his chest lightly to stop its bouncing.

"Don't laugh!", Marin complained. He half-heartedly apologized and couldn't hold himself back from hugging her tiny frame. How was he so lucky to have someone like her in his life? Yoongi just wanted to keep her in his pocket and protect her forever.

"Have you been practicing your 'bad cop' face?", Yoongi chuckled. Marin nodded, and gave what she thought was her best 'bad cop' face yet. Yoongi had to cover his face and look away to stop himself from laughing out loud.

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