Brooklyn- the dare

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Brook: "come on guys. It's embarassing."

Andy: "stop complaining and do the dare."

I can't believe they're making me do that.
We are playing truth or dare for a YouTube video. It's my turn.
Andy dared me to ask someone for their phone number, but it's awkward and I don't wanna do it.

Rye:" let's go. we'll choose a girl."

Rye said while we were walking to Asda.
I let out an heavy sigh and looked at the boys.

Brook: "do I really have to do it?"
" yes you have!"

Everyone shouted.
As we enter the big A they all started looking around for a girl.

Mikey: "look over there. Her?"

Jack: "yep."

Andy: "go Brook it's your turn."

Brook: "fine."

I started walking towards this girl with long brown hair she also had a pair of sunglasses on her head. She seemed really cute. She was wearing a pair of denim shorts and a hoodie. She looked so cosy.
The closer I got, the more nervous I was.
I've never really been able to talk to girls. Every time I tried the conversation turned into an awkward silence.
I'm so nervous.
Though, it's just a number. Right?
What can go wrong.
Without even realising it I had this girl in front of me. She didn't even saw me. She was caught up looking at the shelves.

Brook: "hey."

I said Scratching the back of my neck.

" Hey"

She answered without even looking at me.
She looks like she doesn't want to be bothered. So I looked back at the boys. And they told me to go on. More than telling me they did some weird gestures to make me understand I had to go on.
So I got all the coarouge in me and started talking.

Brook:" emmmh.... I think you're really cute and I...I.. can I have your number."

As I finished talking she looked up at me and I saw a pair of beautiful green emerald eyes.

" I don't give my number to strangers"

She said smirking proudly

Brook: "oh...emmm....i'm Brooklyn."

I said nervously.

"Well Brooklyn.... I'm Meghan and I still don't know you"

For some reasons the fact that she is being difficult made me curios but she really doesn't want to be bothered.

Brook: "look... I don't really want to bother you and you clearly don't want to be bothered so I'll be truthful. If you look behind me there are 4 boys. This is a dare: I have to ask for a girl's number. You don't have to give me your number but can you please just pretend?"

I said sighing. I can't believe I just did that.

Meghan:" Now I understand why they were looking at us.
Fine I'll help but just because you've been truthful.
So what do I have to do?"

I'm so glad she accepted.

Brook:" maybe just pretend that I
said something funny and laugh and then, do you have a pen?"

As I asked for the pen she giggled and then nodded looking in her purse.
Her giggle is so cute.

Meghan: "here it is. What were you saying?"

She said showing me a pen.

Brook: "oh right.. mmh.. I was saying that after you laugh you write your fake number on my hand or something."

Meghan:" Ok, I'll help you."

Then she laughed quietly.

Brook: "thank you so much."

Meghan: "but I think that i won't dive you a fake number."

Brook:" what? Why? You said that you..."

But before I could finish she interrupted me.

Meghan:" you're really cute and I want you to call me, so I'm gonna give you my number."

She smiled.

Brook: "oh really?.. I mean of course, babe?"

I said Scratching the back of my neck.
She laughed.

Meghan:" babe? You don't have a lot of experience with girls."

Brook: "not really."

I laughed embarassed.
She wrote her number on the back of my hand and smiled.

Maghan:" Well now you can win the dare and maybe call me later"

She smirked.

Brook:" yes, thank you. I think I'm..I'm gonna go."

I blushed a bit.

Mehan: " Ok, go back to your friends. Bye."

Brook :" bye meghan."

And after that I walked towards the boys.

Rye:" so did you make it?"

Brook:" of course, did you doubt about it?"

I asked proudly and then everyone burst out laughing.

Hope you enjoyed this first imagine.


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