imagine for Ayu

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Ayu's pov:

Today brook, my boyfriend, invited me to his house.
He lives with his band mates.
They're hosting a party for the start of tour.
I was one of the first to get there.

Brook:" wow, babe you look stunning."

He said looking at me head to toe.
I wore a simple red bodycon. It was a bit low neck but that's fine.

Ayu:" thank you"

We kissed.
After a while a lot of people started arriving.
The house was really full.
Everyone was dancing, drinking and having fun.
I was dancing with brook when i felt someone's gaze on me i looked around and i noticed Andy going upstairs.

Ayu:" babe, I'm going to the bathroom. I'll back"

He nodded and i walked upstairs, looking for andy.
Suddenly someone pulled me in a room.
It was dark and the only light was the moon piercing through the window.
Andy was stood in front of me biting his lip.
Then he smashed his lips on mine.
I pulled apart breathing heavily.

Andy:" I'm sorry i couldn't wait anymore"

Ayu:" andy i missed you but we can't keep going like this. If brook finds out he's going to be so hurt. "

I said painfully.

Andy:" i know"

He said disappointed.

Ayu:" I've meant to talk to you about this for a few days. Andy we can't be together"

A single tear slid down my cheek.
He cupped my cheek and cleaned with his thumb my tears.

Andy:"i love you. Remember that. No matter what."

I nodded and then he kissed me.
The sweet delicate kiss soon turned into a rough, passionate one.
I know it's wrong but i love andy too.
He locked the door, before pushing me against the wall.
He pinned my hands above my head.

Andy:" let's do it one last time."

Then he started kissing my neck.

Ayu:" mmh mmh"

Its all that came out of my mouth. This boy drives me crazy.
He slid one of his hands under my dress and lifted over my waist.
He kissed down my chest and kneeled down in front of me.
His hands rubbed up and down my
legs when he decided to take off my black lace underwear.

Andy:" you know  i love when you wear lace"

He said before flicking his tongue in my pulsing core.
He worked in me slowly. I felt my knees weaken under my body. With one hands i supported myself on the wall and the other one was tangled in his hair.
A moan left my mouth as the pressure between my hips grew more and more.
My back arched when finally he satisfied me.
He kissed up my leg and slowly  got
up. His eyes met mine just before i kissed him.
While kissing i unbuttoned his jeans and started sliding my hand in his underwear when his hands stopped mine.

Ayu:" i want to do something back."

Andy:" we don't have time for that"

He breathed heavily.
He quickly lifted me and i wrapped my legs around his torso.
Then he walked to his desk and made me sit there.
He was in between my legs.
Then he slid his underwear down just enough to let out his length and quickly entered me. I buried my head in his neck while he pushed back and forth in me.
He started going faster and his name left my lips. I started leaving a mark on his neck.
He kept on going faster and in a few minutes we were done.
We were both breathing heavily.
He got dressed and looked at me.
I hopped down the desk and pulled my dress down.

Ayu:" andy can you pass me my panties?"

Andy:" no, I'm  gonna keep these"

He said taking them from the floor.
I smirked and walked towards the door. 
He followed closly behind me and before i could get out he stopped me.

Andy:" i love you"

He kissed me.

Ayu:" i love you too "

And with that we both knew our relationship ended.
I got out hoping no one saw us and headed downstairs.
As soon as I got down brook was next to me.

Brook:" hi, why did you take so long?"

He asked confused.

Ayu:" there was a girl and i had to wait"

Luckily he didn't ask any more questions.
Then we went on dance floor and started dancing again.
Suddenly the music stopped and a slow dance started.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder.
In front of me I could see Andy. He was looking at me.

Brook:" i love you"

Ayu:" i love you too"

But it wasn't referred to brook. It was for the guy in front of me.
A single trar slid down my cheek. In his eyes I could see pain too.
I think I just made the biggest mistake of my life.

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @ aurora_fowler04

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