Andy-imagine For Emma (smut)

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Emma's pov:

I was on the sofa watching TV when my phone beeped.
I took it from the cushion next to me and unlocked it with my finger print.
It was Andy.

"hey, I miss you. What are you doing?"

"hi, I miss you too. I'm doing literally nothing. You?"

I typed quickly on the keyboard.
In a second an answer popped on the screen.

"nothing either."

"wanna come over?"

I accidentally sent him a winky face.

"what do you wanna do? You naughty girl."

He said sanding a winky emoji too.
I giggled a bit and quickly answered.

"nothing. I accidentally sent the emoji."


Another winky face.
I sighed deeply imagining his smiling face.

" just hurry up."

I texted.

" don't worry I won't be long so you can have what you want."

I left it read with no answer.
I actually ran out of come backs.
After a while the door bell rang.
I opened the door and Andy appeared.
He didn't even let me say anything that his lips were on mine.
He pushed me in the fakt and closed the door behind him.
I pulled away breathless.

Emma:" hi to you too."

I joked.

Andy:" hi."

Then his lips met mine again.
I wrapped my arms around his neck while his slid down my back.
He cupped the back of my thighs then without any warning he quickly lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his torso.
He walked towards my bedroom. He pushed open the door and kissed me again.
The kiss was passionate and soon after his lips were on my neck kissing and nibbling on my hot skin.
He helped me getting rid of the sweater I was wearing and suddenly we were on the bed.
He was between my legs kissing me.
I lifted my hips from the mattress and pushed them towards his as he ground on me.
My hands tangled in his hair.
I tugged at the edge of his sweater and he took it off before kissing me again.
I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down.
He slid. Hand in my shorts and moved my underwear.
Without any warning he entered my core with a finger and I moaned his name loudly.
I had a hand on the back of his head pulling him closer.
He was pumping his finger in me and soon after he added a finger pumping faster, while I started kissing his neck searching for his weak spot.
Then he took his fingers out of me.
He liked them tasting my juice then he took off my shorts and my underwear.
I bit my lip hard as he did so.
Then he took off his underwear.
He positioned between my legs and pushed in me easily.
He pushed in and out of me increasing the pace ta every thrust.
I gripped on his shoulders and he wrapped his fingers on my hip.
My hips started moving back and forth towards his, following our rhythm.
A warm feeling started building up in my stomach.
I ran my fingers through his hair as I buried my head in his neck.
Suddenly a loud moan left my lips and I reached my orgasm.
His thrusts became sloppier and in a few minutes he was done too.
He collapsed next to me breathing heavily.

Andy:" had what you wanted?"

He asked smirking playfully.
I hit his cheat jokingly.

Emma:" I didn't want anything."

Andy:" fine, whatever. I love you."

He said wrapping his arms around me.

Emma:"I love you too."

Hope you enjoyed.
Follow my Instagram account @Aurora_Fowler04

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