Rye-imagine For Destiny (smut)

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Rye's pov:

I woke up and the bed was empty. That's quiet weird. Usually Destiny stays in bed with me.
I got and threw on some shorts before going to the kitchen.
I heard music playing and the door was closed.
I slowly opened it without letting her notice me.
I rested my shoulder on the doorframe and looked at her.
She was dancing, swinging her hips.
And the only thing she had was my white t-shirt. I could see her black underwear.
Her long hair fell down her back.
God. That was heaven.
I walked towards her be careful to not make any noise.
As I reached her I wrapped my fingers around her hips and oven in sync with her.
She gasped a bit and I rested my chin on her shoulder.
I left a kiss on her neck.

Destiny:" good morning."

She smiled.

Destiny's pov:

Rye:" good morning"

He kissed my neck again.

Rye:" what are you doing?"

He asked curiously.

Destiny:" making breakfast. Do you want something in particular?"

Rye:" I want you"

As he said that a shiver went down my spine.
He started kissing my neck.

Destiny:" isn't it a bit too early?"

I giggled a bit.

Rye:" it's never too early."

His hot breath hit my skin and then he atrted kissing my neck again.
He made me bend over the counter.
His hardness pressed gains my bum.
Then he lifted my shirt and left a trial of kisses down my spine.
He kneeled down and with a quick move he made turn around.
He reached my most sensitive spot. He left a kiss right there making me even wetter.
He slid my underwear down my legs and flicked his tongue in me, moving it slowly.
My fingers were tangled in his hair pulling him closer to me.
My head tilted back in ecstasy.
I bit my lower lip bit hard as he started going faster.
Before he could finish off he stood up and kissed me.
During the kiss I slid one of my hands in his pants and wrapped my fingers around his length.
I started pumping slowly.
He pulled apart from the kiss and I started kissing his neck.
He breathed heavily.
He titled his head to the side leaving more space for my kisses.
A low groan left his mouth.
My hand went faster on him but then he stopped me.
He lifted me off the ground and made me sit on the counter.
He spread a bit my legs and positioned himself between them.
He took off his clothes and without any warning he entered me.
He pushed in me fiercely, increasing the pace at every push.
My nails dug in his back.
Then he took me shirt and started kissing my chest leaving small marks everywhere.
We both breathed heavily.
I buried my head in his neck while he pushed in and out of me.
After a bit we reached out climax and his name fell loudly off my lips.
He rested he head on my chest while his hands rested on the counter behind me.
I rested my chin on his head ran my hand through his hair.
His cool breath hit my chest sending shivers down my body.
He looked at me and left a kiss on my lips before putting on his underwear and shorts.
I dressed too and stopped as I felt his gaze on me.
I turned around and faced the wall.

Destiny:" did you like breakfast?"

Rye:" it was flipping good."

He said wrapping his as around my waist and smacked my butt.

Rye:" I love you"

He smiled.

Destiny:" I love you too."

Hope you enjoyed the read.
Follow my Instagram account @  aurora_fowler04

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