Andy Imagine For Taylor

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Taylor's pov:

I just got out of my office. It's six p.m and I'm so tired.
Today was such stressing day.
Right now I just want to get home and relax.
Before, I'm gonna get something at Starbucks.
I walked ta the café, got in and ordered and sat at a table.
Then two boys got in. One was blonde and the order was a brunette.
I don't know why but the blonde one looked really familiar.
I just dropped it and started walking towards the door when someone behind me called my name.


And again that voice sounded so familiar.
I turned around and the blonde from before appeared in front of me.
All I saw were his blue piecing eyes.
Now I remember. Andy. My high-school crush.

Andy:"Taylor, is it seriously you?"

Taylor:" oh my God. Andy. It's been so long."

He hugged me tightly.
Actually, we were friends and then he became my crush.

Andy:" I know right. How's life going? Did you graduet at Oxford?"

Taylor:" yes I did, but how can you still remember it?"

Andy:" I just do. I'm so happy for you."

He smiled, making his dimples appear.
He's even more handsome than I remembered.

Taylor:"thank you and what about you? Did you become a singer?"

I smiled back.
Before he could answer the brunette Andy was with before interrupted us.

" hey Andy, who's this beautiful girl."

He said winking at me.

Andy:" rye this is Taylor. We were in high-school together. "

Rye:" nice to meet you I'm ryan, but rye just for you."

He said stretching his hand out for me to take as I held his hand he lifted it to his lips and kissed it.
I felt my cheeks turning red.
Next him I could see Andy rolling his eyes.
I giggled quietly at him.

Andy:" rye I think it's better if you go. Brook is probably waiting for you."

Rye and Andy exchanged a look.

Rye:" yes, I'll go. Taylor it was nice to meet you."

Taylor:" bye"

I looked back at Andy.

Andy:" sorry for him."

We sat at a table.

Taylor:" no it's fine. Though you didn't answer my question."

I smiled.

Andy :" I'm in a band called roadtrip. I'll start tour next week."

Taylor:" wow, that's so cool. I'm so happy for you."

Andy:" thank you."

We started talking about the times when we were in school and about how much fun we had.

Andy:" are you still with Brandon? "

He asked our of the blue.

Taylor:" no, we broke up a while ago."

I was with Brandon when I caught feelings for him then Andy left the city and I broke up with Brandon.

Andy:"thank God, he was an asshole. He never deserved you."

I looked down at my hands and started playing with the bracelet I had on.
He was a big assholebut I was too stupid to understand it. Andy tried more than once to warn me but I didn't listen. Then he cheated on me and I left him.

Taylor:"i know."

Then he lifted my chin with his fingers and made me look in his eyes.
He smiled at me and slowly hot closer to me.
Our noses were nearly touching.
Then our lips touched and we kissed.
As we pulled apart I looked in his eyes with a questioning look.

Andy:" I've always had a crush on you but you had a boyfriend so...."

He confessed staring at my eyes.

Taylor:" I like you too."

In that moment i knew that it's true that a kiss is enough to fall in love.

This is the imagine that @taylorwatson requested.
Hope you like it.

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